With an impressive skyline backed by mountains in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte is a city that has certainly earned its name: “beautiful horizon.” Visitors to BH might begin in Praca de Liberdade to admire the historic and modern architecture and mingle with locals out for a stroll. Head over to Avenida Alonso Pena on Sundays for the Feira de Artesanto, where 2,500 vendors and food carts gather to treat the locals to an awesome outdoor market.

Join the droves of obsessed football fans on matchday, walking to the city’s famous Mineirao stadium. This monstrous arena holds over 60,000 seats, and will be packed to the gills for matches featuring Belo Horizonte’s beloved football clubs Cruzeiro and Atletico Mineiro. When the madness subsides, meet up with the locals at the bars in the city center to drink a couple of traditional caipirinhas, a drink made with sugarcane liquor, sugar, and lime and served on ice.

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