Patrick Chevallier's Photo

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  • Last login about 4 hours ago

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  • 528 references 413 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, French; learning German, Italian, Latin, Persian (Farsi), Russian, Spanish
  • 63, Male
  • Member since 2008
  • Traveler
  • A lot. And not a lot.
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

Current mission: travel until this map: is filled with blue dots...

[en] Age is just a number. You're young as long as you keep moving, open your eyes and your heart to the world ans its people. I became an addict to backpacking and couchsurfing in 2008, after realizing there were so many places left to visit and so many people to meet. I then started traveling a lot, having now visited about 95 countries. For a few years, I even worked part-time so I could travel more. Now retired, I have even more time to travel, so we can't host very often, but we do as much as possible. My wife Pascale wouldn' enjoy and be able to come along, so that is why I travel alone most of the time.

We can host you for one or two nights. Anyway, the city and its surroundings can be visited in two days, so it's a perfect match...


Mission en cours : voyager jusqu'à ce que cette carte: soit pleine de points bleus...

[fr] L'âge, ce n'est qu'un nombre. On est jeune tant qu'on continue à avancer, ouvrir ses yeux et son cœur au monde. Je suis devenu accro au couchsurfing en 2008, et j'ai beaucoup voyagé depuis, dans environ 95 pays au total. J'ai même travaillé à temps partiel pour pouvoir voyager plus. Aujourd'hui retraité, j'ai encore plus de temps pour voyager, ce qui fait que nous avons moins de temps pour recevoir des voyageurs, mais nous le faisons autant que possible. Mon épouse Pascale ne pourrait pas me suivre sac au dos, c'est pour cela que je voyage seul le plus souvent.

Nous pouvons vous recevoir pour une ou deux nuits. De toutes façons, la ville et ses environs peuvent se visiter en deux jours, donc c'est juste le temps nécessaire.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

[en] In 15 years, we met more interesting people than we did in the previous 30 years! Some visited us, and we traveled to meet others. All experiences were really enlightening. Not only did CS change the way we travel (we're traveling more to meet people than to visit places), but it also makes us grow thanks the many guest we host, who bring a lot to us through their life experience, no matter their age or the country they are from. As a matter of fact, CS changed our life. Really. How could we live without our couchsurfing shot every once in a while?

We've been hosted over 427 times in 73 different countries; here is the full list:

And here is the map: https:/

We hosted 154 guests from 43 countries, here is the full list:
Some guests even come back every once in a while, and it makes us happy.

[fr] En quinze ans, nous avons rencontré plus de gens intéressants que pendant les 30 années précédentes. Certains nous ont rendu visite, et nous soles allés à la rencontre d'autres. Tout ces expériences ont été très enrichissantes. Couchsurfing a changé non seulement notre façon de voyager (nous voyageons souvent pour rencontrer des gens plutôt que pour visiter des lieux), mais cela nous a fait grandir grâce aux nombreux invités qui nous ont rendu visite., et qui nous ont apporté leur expérience de la vie, quels que soient leur âge ou leur pays d'origine. En fait, Couchsufing a changé notre vie. Vraiment. Comment vivre sans notre piqûre de rappel de temps à autre ?

Nous avons été reçus plus de 427 fois dans 73pays différents, voici la liste complète :

Et voici la carte :

Nous avons reçu 155 personnes de 43 pays différents, voici la carte :, Certains invités reviennent de temps à autre et nous en sommes heureux.


We enjoy a lot of different activities, depending on the time/seasons: travel, archaeology, photography, do-it-yourself, architecture, old books, flea markets, and so much more. But, as the number of our positive CS experiences increases, travel and hosting become more and more important to us, and in ways we would not have even thought of a few years ago.
Besides, meeting new people on the way is becoming the main goal of our trips, rather than just breezing through places. People are more interesting than places, aren't they?

  • hiking
  • mountains

Music, Movies, and Books

Some favorite movies: "Alexander Nevsky", most of Woody Allen's ; among the latest: "Be Kind, Rewind" ; Terry Gilliam ; Hitchkock, etc.

British humor, including "Black Books" and all of Monty Python's works, the IT Crowd. A few US TV series, like The Big Bang Theory or The Office"

I mostly read essays an non-fiction about all kinds of themes., so no specific titles here, sorry. I'm also fascinated by biographies about outstanding traveling women: Alexandra David-Neel, Karen Blixen, Elsa Maillard and others, unknown to most people, whose life is really uncommon.

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

It's so hard to single out one experience among hundreds of them. I would not want to be unfair. I can say that the last trip is always the best because it is the one that leaves the most recent memories.

Teach, Learn, Share

• Rule #1 : share with guests.
• Rule #2 : share with hosts.
• Other rules: please refer to rules #1 and #2, whichever applies.

We happen to have a little longer life experience than most CS members. If someone is interested in picking up some of what we can share, he/she is welcome. But it is clear to us that we can learn much more from anyone. In fact, some of the most amazing people we met were young people of the same age as our kids.. How about checking this by surfing our couch?

What I Can Share with Hosts

A safe and quiet haven to rest and relax for a while. Anything else is optional, to be discussed according to our mutual wishes and abilities.

Countries I’ve Visited

Albania, Algeria, Andorra, Argentina, Armenia, Austria, Bahrain, Belarus, Belgium, Botswana, Brazil, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Canada, Chile, China, Croatia, Cuba, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, England, Finland, France, Gambia, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, India, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jersey, Jordan, Kenya, Kuwait, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malaysia, Malta, Mauritania, Mexico, Monaco, Montenegro, Morocco, Myanmar, Namibia, Netherlands, Norway, Palestine, Paraguay, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russian Federation, Rwanda, San Marino, Saudi Arabia, Scotland, Senegal, Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, South Africa, Spain, Swaziland, Sweden, Switzerland, Syrian Arab Republic, Taiwan, Tajikistan, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Vatican City State, Viet Nam, Wales, Western Sahara

Countries I’ve Lived In

Bahrain, France, Germany, United States

Old School Badges

  • 35 Vouches
  • Pioneer Badge

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