Nicholas Rawluk's Photo

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  • 7 references 6 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English
  • 38, Male
  • Member since 2008
  • Unemployed Engineer
  • M. App Sc. in Medical Physics, B. Sc. Engineering Physics...
  • From Torontonian, born and raised.
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me


Mission to the moon.


Friendly explorer back from rock climbing in the US for a couple months, then cycling from Vancouver, BC to Portland, OR. I grew up in Toronto, but have since traveled when I could and moved around. I just finished my Master's in Kingston, ON and I'm traveling for the summer.

Pretty much, I try to be someone I could get along with. Be patient, playful, silly, thoughtful, curios and enjoy experiences/people. Until I can figure out a really good way to explain myself, feel free to bug me with any questions.


Things have been overall good so far, so I want to keep it going. Life is going to be a mixture of all kinds of crazy and mundane things, I just try to keep it all somewhat balanced.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing


I couchsurfed around Europe in the summer of 2008 and fell in love with couchsurfing. While living in Kingston I hosted a few CSers, and plan to again wherever I end up next.


I love the variety of people I've met through CS and the great hosts I had. Even when my host in Vienna was sick and couldn't go out, we still got to connect and had an amazing all morning breakfast back at his apartment. Meeting my host's friends in Amsterdam and sharing a giant L shaped couch with one of them. Then running around the city during the pride festival with CSers I found at a meet-up was great. My first host was fun, especially since it was the first CS experience for both of us. Hanging out on the roof of my host in Berlin and hearing her story. There's too many moments to mention and I'm looking forward to more.


People, nooks and crannies, plants, yoga, rock climbing, cycling, hiking, camping, martial arts, jumping into freezing water, technology.

Truth be told though, lately climbing has captured me the most. Though I have just been bit by the cycle touring bug.

  • arts
  • festivals
  • breakfast
  • yoga
  • running
  • technology
  • traveling
  • cycling
  • hiking
  • camping
  • martial arts
  • rock climbing

Music, Movies, and Books

Any music with a good tune that makes me think, dance, or just enjoy. I'm not a fast reader, but hopefully that'll change. Most recently I thoroughly enjoyed Jack Kerouac's tales through the US in the 40's. I think it helped put the idea of exploring the states more in my head. Such a Long Journey was also a well told and capturing story.

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

Hid myself in a cloud forest in Ecuador

Countries I’ve Visited

Austria, Croatia, Ecuador, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States

Countries I’ve Lived In


Old School Badges

  • 1 Vouch
  • Pioneer Badge

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