Nicknamed “The Pink City” because of its ochre rooftops and redbrick church walls, Toulouse is a lively city in southern France. It’s full of students from the biggest French university outside of Paris as well as scientists from the Airbus facility just outside of the city. Toulouse has a great nightlife scene, with live music venues and great bars dotting the city. The city is well-known for its incredible architecture, like the red-tinted Saint-Sernin Basilica, the largest Romanesque church with what is widely considered to be the most beautiful pipe organ in France.

Another amazing building to see in Toulouse is the Capitol, the city’s main municipal building that looks more like a royal palace, complete with a sprawling square in front of its main doors. If you get tired of looking at buildings, it’s time to make your way to Jardin Japonais, a fantastic Japanese garden that contains a red moon bridge, a stone garden, and a tea pavilion. There’s no better place in the city to relax.

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George desidera explore the area 8 minuti fa
Foto di S
Samad desidera grab beers circa un'ora fa
Foto di T
Tomtom desidera rencontre sympa circa un'ora fa


  • 5-JUL-2024en, venpr 5 alle 7:00 PM CEST
  • Le foto di Rahul Misra Le foto di Mathieu R Le foto di Nicolas Canavéra

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