Leuven, although not as popular with tourists as other cities like Bruges or Brussels, is an ancient city with a modern and relaxed lifestyle. Dive into the rich history of Leuven with a walk through the Grand Beguinage, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and completely restored historical quarter that looks like it hasn’t been touched for a couple hundred years. To visit some small local boutiques and specialty food stores, stroll down the cobbled street of Mechelsestraat, located between St. Peter’s Church and the Vismarkt.

Leuven is a fantastic place to enjoy a fine Belgian beer, and you can do that in the Oude Markt, a huge public square continuously lined with restaurants and pubs with outdoor and indoor seating options. To enjoy the outdoors even more, take a short bus ride out to Heverlee Woods, a large forest with many trails that are perfect for a leisurely stroll in the fresh Belgian air.

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