What's Happening in La Crosse

New Topic

2018 Madison CouchCrash - July 12-15th - Save the date!

Invitation to the Madison CouchCrash 2017 August 24-27th

8th Annual Madison CouchCrash - July 28th to the 31st - Save the dates!

Take over the bluff

La Crosse to Blue Ox Music Fest (Eau Claire)

MOSES Conference Rideshare from the West


Twin Cities CouchCrash 2024: August 7-10

2014 Madison Wisconsin Couchcrash

Looking for outdoorsy/activity buddies!

Small emergency

Permaculture Design Course

Oktoberfest in La Crosse

Announcing the Bend Couch Crash, August 22-24, 2014

MOSES Organic Farming

California in January

back home for a few months

Visit your tiny piece of the universe

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