Seated on the bank of a giant freshwater lagoon, Porto Alegre is southern Brazil’s most important port city. Visitors can stroll along the banks of the Guaiba River to get a great look at the city’s skyline across the water. Mingle with the locals and enjoy the sunshine in Moinhos de Vento Park or Farroupilha Park, the largest park in town.

Porto Alegre is home to some amazing architecture, like the Metropolitan Cathedral, a centuries-old icon of the city. Piratini Palace, the seat of the state government, is also worth a visit for its amazingly detailed interior. There are some really amazing football stadiums here as well, including Arena do Gremio and Estadio Beira-Rio. These are the places to be on matchday, as hordes of loyal fans flock to these sacred grounds to cheer on their beloved clubs.

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