Washington D.C. is the capital of the United States, the home of the country’s most powerful people and most significant monuments and museums. Visitors will surely want to see all of the city’s most iconic sights like the White House, Capitol Building, Lincoln Memorial, and Washington Monument. There are also many emotional reminders of America’s military struggles at the World War II Memorial, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, and Arlington Cemetery, where the huge number of white grave markers illustrates the price this country has paid to keep its people safe.

Visit historic Georgetown on the bank of the Potomac River to stroll down the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal and admire all the buildings from the 1700s. For some peace and quiet, make your way to Roosevelt Island, a nature reserve filled with trails and great views of the Potomac. Cars and bikes are not allowed on the island, so it’s the perfect place for a relaxing picnic or just some quiet time to think.

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