Known as the salsa capital of the world, the Colombian city of Cali is a picturesque place with plenty to offer. One of the main sights in the city center is Iglesia la Ermita, a Gothic church built using Italian marble, French bells, and windows from the Netherlands. Explore the cobbled streets and colorful buildings of Barrio San Antonio and its shops and cafés. Be sure to try Pandebono, a simple cheese bread that’s mostly eaten for breakfast and considered a Cali specialty.

Colombia’s sunny climate and beautiful mountains make Cali a great place to spend time outdoors. Hike up Cerro de los Cristales to snap some incredible photos of El Cristo Rey, a 26-meter-tall statue of Christ overlooking the city. For another hiking option, make your way to the summit of El Cerro de las Tres Cruces. This hike is popular with the locals, and the view of Cali from the top is the best around.


15 miembros pueden quedar ahora

Foto de J
Jose quiere Naturaleza y cafe Hace alrededor de 2 horas
Foto de A
Anderson quiere show my city and teach salsa caleña danc Hace 25 minutos
Foto de C
Carlos quiere ver Real Madrid vs Bayer Hace alrededor de 2 horas


  • Cada 2 sábado a las 7:30 PM -05
  • Fotos de Karen.Melissa Fotos de Fletch 🇹🇹 Fotos de Denise  Chin-A-Kwie

    + Asistirán 21 personas


  • lun, 21 oct a las 7:45 PM -05
  • Fotos de Mónica Soto Fotos de Antonio Fotos de Crhistian Cedeño

    + Asistirán 8 personas


  • mié, 8 may a las 6:30 PM -05
  • Fotos de Karen.Melissa


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