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  • 36 references 16 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English; learning Italian, Sanskrit (Saṁskṛta), Spanish
  • 45, Female
  • Member since 2011
  • Airline employee
  • Majored in Geography
  • From Oklahoma City, OK, USA
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me


PLEASE NOTE: I am a severe night owl. I stay up late and get up late do to our work schedules.

We recently had twins so I am not much of a party minded person right now. I don't drink much obviously and will be less likely to want late night shenanigans to ensue for the foreseeable future (although we are both still very much night owls!). Think cooking and board games and movies vs bars).

Open Minded, Eager, Foodie, Traveler/Host.
I was born and raised in Oklahoma City. Catholic school girl for many years. I have lived several places in the United States and I have spent a considerable amount of time in Europe, including living in London. I have spent more than a month in several different countries. I love to travel more than anything. I very much hope to see Africa soon. I LOVE to meet new people. People are the breath and depth of life. I have one dog, rescued from the pound and I live with two rescue kitties. I have five sisters, which might explain why I love to be around people so much!
My boyfriend Vicente Ruiz is a fellow CS-er and is a pretty cool guy if I do say so, myself.
Mushrooms are my favorite food but I would sell my soul for a good bowl of phở or most dim sum selections.
I really, really love languages even though I am not the best at picking them up. I am a very avid reader and I particularly love books about the history of language and culture.
I am loyal. I have a dark, sarcastic sense of humor. I am a great cook. I am generally a happy person. AND!! Oh yes, I can eat things more spicy than you can.


"Seek not to follow in the footsteps of men of old; seek what they sought." - Matsuo Basho

Why I’m on Couchsurfing


I participate in every way I can possibly think of! I host, I have surfed and I have attended and hosted CS get-togethers.


I have only surfed once but I have hosted so many people and I love them all! One of my favorites was a young woman who came in from Spain. She informed me she had two dreams : 1. To try a root beer, and 2. To try a "Mister" Pepper. I was able to make her dreams come true almost immediately. ;)I also once got to host a wonderful young Swiss boy for days on end because another surfer went home with his keys. Couchsurfing has reminded me to relax and go with the flow and I really appreciate that everyone I have hosted feels the same way.


Meeting and learning from people who have a different worldview than I do, international foods and drinks, Eddie Izzard-esque dialogue, travel.

Music, Movies, and Books

Movies: The Fall, Amelie, Wes Anderson films.
Music: Paolo Conte, The Shins, Yann Tiersen, Serge Gainsberg, John Zorn, The Pixies and on and so forth.
Books: Catch 22, anything by Bill Bryson or J. Maartin Troost. A Year of Living Biblically, American Gods.

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

A stretch of graffiti in Greece on an ancient wall. When translated, it read "Wake up those that are sleeping, let be those that are dreaming." It is a moment that I will never forget.

Countries I’ve Visited

Costa Rica, France, Greece, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom

Countries I’ve Lived In

United Kingdom, United States

Old School Badges

  • 4 Vouches

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