Peppe Iovino's Photo

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  • 57 references 26 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, Italian, Spanish; learning Catalan, Valencian, French
  • 34, Male
  • Member since 2011
  • Photographer
  • BA photojournalism
  • From Naples, Naples, Italy
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me


Seeing the world through new gazes, wandering roads to find new directions


Someone defines me A Smiling curious soul, a backpacking gaze, some more formally a photojournalist practicer with a deep interest on humanitarian issues that works developing documentary projects on social issues.
About myself I'd say that I'm a crazy dreamer, a traveller soul that get the life following his dreams, a backpacking spirit on the road looking for his own one.

I study photojournalism, that's a fb page where you could find out more about my eyes and person....

I love all that's creative and any one try to get rid of standards, arts, music theatre and anything linked with the human creativity.
I love interacting with new people, discover a new song or image a day, get in touch with as many new different stories, places, cultures, life experiences and adventures as possible.
Interested in photography, social field, human rights, politics, international relations and much else.
And obviously parties overall as a pillows between everything.
I have spent a couple of years before the uni living moving across different cities, countries and couches, which I gained the best human, social and funny experiences possible, i would always prefer a couch to an house.
Currently I am full time studying a BA in photojournalism, and part time working as photographer and waiter.
In my hometown I created a web radio that deal on social, cultural and politics issues, working as reporter, I like get involved in social activism.
Few years ago i left my country and I start so living travelling, moving across different European cities lead by a great wish to look the life trough new and different gazes.


Follow your dreams, passion, ideal, fill up your life and soul with them, make them your just leader, beyond any society barrier and hardship,
do what you feel not what you should doin, make whatever day your day.

'Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” Mark Twain.

open and close every day with a smile, beyond everything could happens, look for the hide beauty on everything surrounding your days, follow your dreams with all your determination and nothing will be too far away.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing


Meeting nice travelers people in the cities I travel to, as well as the city I live in, unfortunately living in a shared student house I am not able to host but anyway give me a shout, I can't host now but I hope to be able to start to do it very soon.


I love couch surfing, I use it often, I used it for the first time when I went to Barcelona in 2012 and it was a nice experience, I met wonderful people, that I'll never forgot and i felt lucky to had. I was hosted from so helpful, open, and easy going greatness person.


Good food, latin dance and whatever else makes you move happily, Theatre,
Human rights, Politics, Social activism, International Relations, poetry slam and much more
A great passion for photography, I love wandering the streets with my camera and trough it expressing my feelings and experiences, as a pen catching a draft of the people and society surrounding, looking beyond the usual and superficial.
I love arts, good music, reading and writing, jazz bars, and any kind of live music venues, and small cafès with an own soul.
I love anything linked with human creativity.
I love unusual things, communities, cafès, people.
Backpacking travelling, ong, volunteering.
Good food and drinks.
Journalism and new media.

Music, Movies, and Books

film: 'into the wild',
book: Several of Garcia Marquez, 'on the road' jack kerouac, 'the alchemist' p.coelho, Neruda's poetry....
music: rock, jazz, folk, soul, Latin, Ska, Catalan,Spanish

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

Hitchhiking for a summer through most Spain,
spending a night up to El Teide peak in Tenerife.

Teach, Learn, Share

Being Italian and very passionated about cooking I can teach you some Italian cuisine recipes and tips, how to make a pizza by yourself from just flour.
Mainly i can give you good photography tips to catch your beautiful travelling experiences.
I'd like to learn how to well play a guitar, to travel the world playing on the streets.. crazy dreamer..
I want learn to well surf,
I'd like improve my Spanish as much as I can and learn other new languages,
Overall I think every different person on his own can teach and learn something from each other, just let's figure out..

What I Can Share with Hosts

Photography skills.
Italian cuisine receipts and tips. Some couchers told i am great in making seafood pasta, risottos and neapolitan pizzas

Countries I’ve Visited

Austria, Croatia, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Morocco, Palestine, Poland, Serbia, Spain, Tunisia, Turkey

Countries I’ve Lived In

Italy, Netherlands, Spain, United Kingdom

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