Фотографии пользователя Steven Wiig

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  • Последний раз на сайте: больше 1 года назад

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  • 166 отзывов 111 Подтвержденные хостом и гостем
  • Языки не указаны
  • 38, Мужской
  • Пользователь с 2008
  • living
  • life experience
  • Родной город не указан
  • Профиль заполнен на 100%

Обо мне


Return to my home in Canada after over a decade overseas.
Permaculture my home :)

Oh how this has evolved since starting in 2008! I have entered the Permaculture world since 2011, and now this is my life. I started a landscaping business here in Saskatoon while I re-learn the people and land.

As for my personality, read some references :)


"is this the point where we give up? Now is this the point where we give in? Now is this the point where we turn ourselves in? Or is this the time to ask questions? Or is this the time to take answers? Now is this the time to throw it all in? When enough, is enough, that's when you know that your half way there."
-halfway there, by Rise Against
sounds depressing? We know this world needs drastic moral, ethical and societal change and this helps me to think about how close i am to really making change.

Need to focus more on myself and personal growth for a while.

Что привело меня на Couchsurfing


april25/08 - just started.. it's going great! no bad experiences yet.

June 25/08 - 45 and counting, all great! stay here and you'll never be on your own! haha

I think I've had 100 surfers by now. Some happened so quick or by coincidence that there are no references. I love a promote CS as much as I can, BUT only to the right people! that generally means the purpose of CS is community and relationships, not a free couch.


all good, but i have some input for what seems to be a growing number of people on CS;
***an important part of couchsurfing, which is something i overlooked last year, is how to make a meaningful request. I would accept everyone, but now i'm different. I know a 'copy and paste' msg from a heartfelt one. Please make the effort to comment on something about me or my experiences, while relating to your life and/or travels. It's sad how many people ONLY tell me all about themselves and ask to stay. Why stay with me? Even if you are amazing and I'd grow from this experience, do you realize that or am i just another one on the list of potential hosts? Is it because of the number of references i have, or because you're interested in something i represent and learning about life here? please keep this in mind :) I'm very mellow and not all about myself, but i need a CONNECTION to feel inspired to host you. appreciative of sincerity a lot


Permaculture! music, travel with intent and purpose.. but that doesn't mean a plan :) drinks with friends, free water(the way it should be!!) being active in nature, new ideas, uplifting books or films, finding/sharing information, books, films, websites or whatever it may be with whomever will appreciate it.

POSITIVE IDEAS! I get too easily carried away with the negatives of this place, so anything positive is an ongoing desire of mine

  • books
  • education
  • drinking
  • movies
  • traveling
  • survival
  • music
  • backpacking
  • surfing
  • agriculture
  • teaching
  • tourism

Музыка, кино и книги

too many..
My musical philosophy is simple, what's the content? I always say that I love hip-hop, but at the same time hate it more than people who ONLY hate it, because I understand it's potential! Hypocrisy in music really gets to me, don't preach change then go off and promote thug life! Selling out is a trip, but sometimes I have to suck it up and keep my love and understanding for the artist despite it all.. example in point, K'naan and Cocacola :'(
Biggest influences from music to my life:
Michael Franti, Rise Against, Face to Face, Bob Marley, Blue Scholars, moby(play), Bob Dylon, Led Zepplin (especially Robert Plant), Eddie Veddar, Jimmy Hendrix, Cuff the Duke, K'naan, K-Os, Stars, broken social scene, explosions in the sky, Bonyari, Clap your Hands and Say Yeah! www.radio3.ca, crfc community radio in Saskatoon. And of course so much more.

Books: Celestine Prophesy, Ismael, The World Without Us, Shadows of the Sun, #1 lady's detective agency, Power of Now, 1984,

Классная вещь, которую я сделал(-а)

-Dug a well in Uganda by hand with 3 other people.

Учу, учусь, делюсь опытом и информацией

you know you can find water with a stick or 2 wires? all you do is walk around and they will tell you where it is. Don't believe it? I know an 84 year old man who has been doing it for 7 years in eastern africa, free of charge. FREE WATER! so possible, yet education is needed.
.. Now I realize it's for finding energy, and water of course is a great conductor of energy.

PERMACULTURE, I am a certified consultant and educator

Чем я могу поделиться с хостами

My world experiences, my home, the river in Saskatoon.

Где я побывал(-а)

Cambodia, Kenya, Laos, Netherlands, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Thailand, Uganda, United Kingdom, United States

Где я жил(-а)

Kenya, Thailand, Uganda, Viet Nam

Значки старожила

  • 34 Поручитьсяs

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