Le foto di Ale Fernández

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Accetta ospiti

  • Tasso di risposta del 87%
  • Ultimo accesso circa 7 ore fa

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Informazioni generali

  • 73 referenze 53 Confermato e positivo
  • Lingua che parla fluentemente English, Spanish; lingua che sta imparando Portuguese, Russian
  • 26, Uomo
  • Membro dal 2016
  • Marketing & Communication Manager
  • M.A in Strategic Communication (Universitat Rovira i Virg...
  • Di San Carlos, Maldonado, Uruguay
  • Profilo completo al 100%

Chi sono

📍Currently in Montevideo

Before you send me a message:
* I prefer hosting people who also host people. If you surfed 50 times but hosted 0 times, I will most likely not reply to your message.
* There are hundreds of hosts in the city. If you send me a message please let me know why you wanna stay with ME 😇.

10 weird facts about me:

1) I hate butter :(
2) My moustache looks like Salvador Dali's.
3) I started eating rice when I was 23 years old (before that I used to say I didn't like it)
4) My main hobby nowadays is sewing. I have a sewing machine and create clothes all the time.
5) I eat mostly healthy food but I have a big weakness: mayonnaise.
6) I can eat a lemon without making funny faces
7) I haven’t drunk Coca-Cola since 2012. I even forgot why. Lol.
8) I think pigeons and frogs are the most adorable animals in the universe (I have both of them tattooed)
9) I can't swallow pills :(
10) Sometimes I feel like I'm 80 years old and I love to go feed ducks

Less irrelevant information:

25 years old. Bachelor in Communication (UdelaR). Master's in Strategic Communication (Universitat Rovira i Virgili)

I consider myself funny, and really sarcastic, my sense of humour gets feed by shitposting (lol). Even though this, I have a serious face most of the time haha.
I love learning new things and having conversations exchanging about our cultures with people from other parts of the world. I’m very open-minded and hate prejudices.
Also, experiencing different cultures from the inside is maybe what I like most in life. Thanks couchsurfing.

Some of my hobbies and passions:
* As I said before, I love sewing
* I play the bass
* I love birds and birdwatching, I have recently gotten into birds' photography (my e-bird profile: https://ebird.org/profile/NDYzMTgwOA/world)
* I love learning about cultures, history and linguistics all the time (sometimes I spend hours just looking at the map looking for interesting things)
* I love playing chess (my elo is around 1400 on blitz) and I used to teach the kids in my neighborhood how to play it.
* I go to the gym three times a week

I’ve been on couchsurfing since I’m 18 and I’ve hosted people from all over the world. I started hosting people at my parents house in San Carlos, and then I continued hosting in Montevideo from 2019 on.
I have been hosted too around south america, north america, western Europe and eastern Europe. Thanks to couchsurfing I have met a lot of incredible people.

"Lo que aprendí a tomarme en serio en esta vida es a no tomar la vida demasiado en serio"

Perché sono iscritto su Couchsurfing

*creo que para realmente conocer un lugar es importante verlo desde la perspectiva de sus habitantes.
*amo el intercambio cultural.
* no me gustan los hoteles
* amo conocer nuevas personas
* disfruto hablando otros idiomas
* es una forma de escapar de la rutina


  • music
  • live music
  • outdoor activities
  • food
  • communication
  • university
  • freestyle
  • freestyle rap

Musica, film e libri

Music: I used to be a music elitist when I was around 15 years old haha then i become more mature and now i listen mostly to rap, trap, reggaeton, deathcore, pop punk, etc.

Books: I looove reading, I like detective novels, mistery novels, science fiction, etc.

Una cosa incredibile che ho fatto

*Irme 20 días de viaje con alguien que conocí un par de semanas antes de salir.
* Cruzar el Atlántico para estudiar una maestría en España en plena pandemia.
* Escaparme a Macedonia por 3 semanas cuando la situación del covid en españa me abrumó
* Alquilar un auto y recorrer villas y pueblitos en el sur de Macedonia.
* Exploring the balkans while I was writing my master's thesis :)
* Attending my favorite band's show in a small town in South Carolina

Insegna, impara, condividi

No hay lugar como el hogar, dicen. Y yo me siento en casa en todos lados.

Cosa posso offrire ai padroni di casa

with hosts:
* my sense of humour
* my cooking skills
* an interesting conversation

with surfers:
* Uruguayan Culture and food.
* we can walk around the city and I can explain a bit of the city's and country's history
* We can go to the park and drink some mate :)

Paesi che ho visitato

Albania, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Germany, Macedonia, Montenegro, Paraguay, Peru, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Spain, United States, Uruguay

Paesi in cui ho vissuto

Spain, Uruguay

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