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  • 31 references 24 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, Spanish; learning French
  • 40, Male
  • Member since 2012
  • Estudio, trabajo y medito de tiempo completo
  • Estudio la universidad
  • From Mexico
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

Embark on a journey with a Systems Engineer who calls the vibrant city of Dublin home. As a native of Mexico City, I bring a blend of rich cultural heritage and a passion for the cloud technology landscape. With the heart of a wanderer, my pursuit of knowledge and adventure takes me across the diverse tapestry of Europe, where every destination is a new chapter in my story.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

I think it is a great community to add value both ways, when traveling and to those who come to visit your country, it takes you out of the traveler bubble and includes you in the day-to-day life of the place you are visiting... that is knowing a place for real.

Creo es una gran comunidad para agregar valor tanto al viajar como a los que vienen a visitar tu país, te saca de la burbuja de viajero y te incluye en la vida del día a día del lugar que estás visitando .. eso es conocer un lugar realmente.


meditation, culture, art, people, food, exotic food, tasty food. reading and cinema

  • cats
  • arts
  • culture
  • dining
  • meditation
  • movies
  • reading
  • buddhist

Music, Movies, and Books

Immerse yourself in my world, where a love for reading meets the zen of meditation, the sweetness of ice cream, the excitement of travel, and the immersive escapism of films. Whether you’re looking for a travel buddy or a thoughtful conversation over coffee, my story is an open book, and I’m ready to write the next chapter.

This revised profile maintains the essence of your character and interests without referencing the cats, focusing instead on your lifestyle and passions. It invites potential connections based on shared interests and a love for exploration, both geographically and intellectually.

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

My life is a harmonious blend of technology, fitness, and the mindful tranquility of Buddhist practices. Fluent in Spanish, English, and French, I navigate the global village with ease and enthusiasm. Warm, curious, and ever optimistic, I seek out meaningful connections and conversations that explore the depths of self-knowledge and shared experiences.

Teach, Learn, Share

Teach: From the fiery passion of a Mexican kitchen to the delicate balance of a meditative stance, I carry a trove of cultural tales and practices. Be it the art of a well-told story or the precision of a fitness routine, I have experiences to share that stretch from the bustling streets of Mexico City to the tranquil havens of Dublin.

Learn: My quest for knowledge is unending. I am on the lookout for new stories, skills, and wisdom. Teach me something that stirs your soul, be it a snippet of your mother tongue or a chapter from your country’s history.

Share: Life is about the connections we make and the moments we share. Let’s exchange life philosophies, discuss the profound simplicity found in a good book, or compare our travel escapades. In the end, it’s the shared experiences that weave the most colorful tapestry.

What I Can Share with Hosts

In the spirit of hospitality, I bring to the table an array of experiences and the warmth of companionship. With hosts, I am eager to partake in the essence of their home, respecting traditions and adding to the household’s vibrancy with stories of my own journey. To guests, I offer a glimpse into Dublin’s dynamic character, from its historic landmarks to its modern-day allure.

I am delighted to share:

• Culinary Delights: A taste of Mexican cuisine, infused with the flavors and spices of my homeland, prepared with a vegetarian twist. Let’s create a feast that celebrates our diverse palates.
• Cultural Exchange: Anecdotes from my travels, insights into Mexican customs, and a genuine interest in learning about the cultural gems that make your story unique.
• Language Practice: A multilingual conversation over coffee or a city walk, sharpening our tongues in Spanish, English, or French, and perhaps teaching each other a phrase or two.
• Wellness and Fitness: Join me for a meditative session or an invigorating workout, sharing techniques for a healthy body and mind.
• Exploration Companionship: Whether it’s uncovering the hidden nooks of Dublin or planning an excursion to discover Europe’s wonders, I am ready to venture forth in good company.

Countries I’ve Visited

Argentina, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, France, Germany, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Mexico, Morocco, Nepal, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay

Countries I’ve Lived In

Ireland, Mexico

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