Paul Nocera's Photo

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  • 317 references 251 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English; learning German, Spanish
  • 62, Male
  • Member since 2008
  • Self employed ~ jack of all trades, master of none - digi...
  • from the classroom to the street ... from the street thru...
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me


Primary Missions still in place: help where I can, build community with my skills, leave a positive trace.


If one can be guilty by association, then take a look at the groups I'm a member of (on the left side of the profile) and the folks who've associated with me.. both friends and those who've left me references, and you'll soon know who I strive to be.

That said, I'll apologize right from the start to all of you who have the great idea to exchange friendships and references on our profiles. I'm notoriously bad at replying to friend requests and references, but it's not because I don't love you all.. it's that upon your departure there were 20 more requests, and it's never ending. That's what I get for living in such a great location for Brooklyn and NYC.


Live and let live! ... no, we have to update that phrase...

Life and encourage the life in others!

~ Yeah, that's it.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing


I'm very active in the CS project and I love it. I started out hosting on average, 2+ surfers per week (and even more on the weekends) crashed on my couch &/or cots I picked up for a CS festival in the summer of 2008. I became a regular at the weekly NYC Meetups on Thursday evenings soon thereafter. And I try to support gatherings of CSers of every stripe and style. In 2010 some needed changes to the CS site helped to spread the CS hosting requests so that I was not so inundated.  With the extra time on my hands (am I kidding myself or what?) I took on moderator responsibilities for the Queer CSers of NYC, and in 2011 I was asked to step into the role of Ambassador for NYC.  With the start of 2012, following 18 months of unemployment, I must now close my loft.... this place where I hosted an estimate 500 surfers in my first four years. ~~~~~~~~~I am myself. I am just one window on this world and I hope my loft is a great view for all who stay. Indeed,  I want my guests to have a "home away from home" experience; to see just one example of what living in Brooklyn can be like..  I consider you all members of my extended family.. just leave the family drama aside.


There is a flow to the way people come to occupy space. And I love to be a part of it all. I grew up in a large family, 9 siblings all told. Now, with Couchsurfing, I can help build a different kind of family and it's been great so far. I've had great experiences since starting in the summer of 2008. I hope that all my surfers are having as much fun as I am. :-) And I realize that I can host more folks than I can hang with. It's all good.

2010 March - update: In 2009 I went to Europe (Lisbon, Berlin & Annecy) and had a great time, yet stayed with friends who had stayed with me. This year will be a real fresh start to Italy where I will be surfing with folks whom I have not met before.


Is there a world to explore? oh.. only a corner is possible today? well, then that is my interest.

I have the mind of an existential-humanist philosopher, the attention span of a ten year old, the focus of an aspiring artist (& the self-doubt to go with it), the ear of a counselor, the belly of a omnivore, the feet of a hiker, the heart of great uncle...

Music, Movies, and Books

Okay. Sure. Just a few at a time please.

I'm a gemini; in the right mood, I can take any medium from any culture and I feel I will embrace it. So classical music or heavy metal.. I have moods for both. Trashy novels or treatise on the history of anything.. I can find the mental space for either.

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

On the plus side; skydiving, loving, .. whoa!!!

On the dark side...NYC on 11 September 2001 (~~yikes~~) , and never mastering another language

Teach, Learn, Share

I'll show you 6 basic ways to wear a sarong, the advanced class is still in development ;-)

Countries I’ve Visited

France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, United States

Countries I’ve Lived In

United States

Old School Badges

  • 36 Vouches
  • Pioneer Badge

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