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  • 66 references 55 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, Polish, Spanish
  • 30, Male
  • Member since 2014
  • IT/ Data Science/ Traveling
  • IT
  • From Lublin, Lublin Voivodeship, Poland
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

My spirit animal is a cookie monster.

Hello fellow vagabonds! :D

I’m talkative enough to take your whole night to talk about all my stories, so I will keep it short (as much as possible) ;)

Currently I’m fulfilling my biggest dream: encircle the world by hitchhiking. How my plan goes on, you can check out in the references section as I stop on CS in every country I visit. Why hitchhiking and Couchsurfing? I love to travel (you wouldn't expect it, would you? haha ;) ) and it gives me a freedom to explore and lets me enjoy life to the fullest. The most important is not to check another tourist spot from the list, but to meet a real people in their small, local worlds, getting to know their stories, views, culture, cuisine, and ways of having fun ;)
You can check out my YouTube channel as well ;)


I'm Marcin, from Poland, Europe. You don’t know where or what is Poland? Did you hear about John Paul II, Lewandowski, Maria Skłodowska (Curie) or Fryderyk Chopin? They are my long-distant cousins, believe me, it’s true :P

Once when I was donating blood, I was said that I have a lot of blood cells. So, you can call me a rich (inner) man.

A child refusing to grow up, but smart enough to take care of itself

I'm a direct, honest person. I think it’s always better to say the truth, because it a basis of dialog and mutual understanding. I prefer to talk about ideas instead of other people.

Not jealous, but protective of the ones I love.

Mostly an extrovert, ready for both a wild party and a philosophical discussion in the middle of the night.

My values and beliefs are the compass in my life. I would say that I’m conservative and believer, but relax, I also strongly believe that to make the world a better place it’s important to start of changing yourself, not the others. Not closed to other points of view, I’m happy to hear what you think about… everything ;)

A volunteer when I’m needed both for big and small events. Big, like the World Youths Days (meeting of the Young with the Pope), or small like teaching polish to emigrants or helping in the orphanage.

For me it's possible to turn every nasty situation into something good. I don't like wasting time on doing nothing. When I’m not on the road, I like to learn new things, languages, cooking, reading. My favorite sports are dancing and cycling, but I also cherish strength training, badminton, swimming, surfing, kayaking, and singing out of tune (the sporty part here is to not let others to grab microphone from you while keep singing).

I enjoy meeting people, making new friends, sharing experience, exchanging knowledge, learning about new cultures and above all having a laugh. CS is a perfect tool to see the world from a local perspective.

I value both wild nature and bustling cities. It’s possible to find peace or experience crazy adventures everywhere. It’s based on your mindset.

I don't like staying at hotels, spend money on shitty souvenirs or other pointless things. I want to enjoy every single day of my life, that means spontaneously giving hugs, dancing on the street, camping on abandoned areas and hitchhiking where the random driver will give me a lift.

At least one smile per day, keeps a doctor away! (ok, shouldn’t say it, my parents are medicals)

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

I've created an account here in 2014 and I'm not regret it definitely. Until now I have met dozens of amazing guys, discovered wonderful places and experienced real adventures! Many time human kindness saved me from sleeping in a park or on a train station. Meeting local people and cultural change during travelling is essential for me. CS provides it in 100% and much more. It connecting people and gives me opportunity to make real friendships. Hosting travellers is a perfect occasion to take another vibrant soul to my home and have a great time together! I love CS! :)


  • culture
  • dancing
  • cooking
  • politics
  • movies
  • traveling
  • socializing
  • blogging
  • cycling
  • economics
  • history
  • mathematics
  • physics
  • psychology
  • religion
  • hitchhiking
  • workout
  • getting to know new people
  • pierogies
  • drinking good wódka
  • singing out of tune

Music, Movies, and Books

I like all kind of music especially 80s', 90s' and 00'. Latino, dance music is my cup of tea. I also like rock, sung poetry, folk and metal-folk.
I appreciate every movie which focus more on the plot and intriguing charters than on special effects. Sometimes I need to watch sth silly, just to relax. My favorite are: The Good, The Bad And The Ugly, Forrest Gump, Groundhog Day, Idiocracy, Lord of the Rings trilogy, How I unleashed The Second World War (old polish comedy), Home Alone.
Books: The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable, Animal Farm: A Fairy Story, Wild at Heart: Discovering The Secret of a Man's Soul, The Dirt on Clean: An Unsanitized History etc.

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

I think the most amazing think I've done was talk with a person who wanted to commit suicide. I didn't have to do anything else but just talked with him and gave my time. I'm sure there is nothing more awesome than save somebodies life

Countries I’ve Visited

Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Monaco, Montenegro, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Scotland, Serbia, Slovakia, Spain, Turkey, Ukraine, Vatican City State

Countries I’ve Lived In


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