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  • 58% response rate
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  • 60 references 27 Confirmed & Positive
  • Learning English, Gujarati, Hindi, Marathi (Marāṭhī)
  • 45, Male
  • Member since 2008
  • Full time Hunting...... For the time being- Doctor, Medic...
  • Incomplete........but did study some medicine, forensic m...
  • From India
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me


Never to be a CS Ambassador


To know more about me you should meet me or send me $ 2000 - I will send you a copy of my "Autobiography". But if you are in a hurry or want to save money just read references given by fellow couch surfers...

Till then............
I have mustaches..I am not tall, average looking, I like to grow hair but they fall..........and these days they have a competition among themselves to become white....

I do lot of things....You can say jack of all but.......

To make some money to survive, I have a small clinic in a village, As a profession I have my small Insurance investigation (Medical Intelligence) business, Recently my interests made me start two new businesses (again small)- medical tourism and Legal services for insurance and corporate companies.
As I do not want to waste my cinematography training, I try to make some short films and documentaries....and force people (only I know) to watch them.
And yes, I am also a detective and investigator...
I am not exaggerating-- I own three companies, am partner in two companies and director of one company. (Yes all of the companies are Indian)...

Whenever I have little spare money, I travel..Obviously I have to travel on Shoe string budget..I enjoy meeting strange or crazy people and visit off beat places...
I try not to lie......
If you still have patience and curiosity to know more about me...you should meet me...I will be happy to meet such curious and interesting person.


It keeps on changing..........Because I believe-
Only change is permanent.

But Smile on other's faces brings smile to my face...

Why I’m on Couchsurfing


I host those CS members who'd like to volunteer in my clinic or see rural India or just want to experience traditional Indian family and food.

I can host guests in Pune as well if they are interesting to re level of craziness.

I have hosted over 50 CSers.
I have taken many CSers to attend Indian Weddings.

I have taken many CSers for long drives.
I have travelled with many CS members.
Overall its wonderful!


Humor, Philosophy, Psychology, Intelligent Women, Cultures, solutions for social issues, reading, studding, adventure sports, meeting crazy people and of course traveling.

Music, Movies, and Books

Movies.... like old Hindi movies. Dont watch English movies unless there is something to see..
Music.... I like to listen to- but only Hindi and Marathi. All of my attempts to understand classical music have failed.
Books-comics and jokes books and cartoons.
I hate people reading fat books on trains....for me every person is an open book and interests me more than anything........

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

I passed all my exams with first class and usually first.
Traveled to and from Kanyakumari- Southern end of India on bicycle for 4 months (1996)
Learnt to charm snakes.
I did Himalaya and north India on motorbike.
(Shimala-Manali-Leh-Khar dong La -Srinagar-Jammu)in 2009
Did Jaldindi- Kayaking from Alandi to Pandharpur (300 Kms)(Maharashtra)
Did Skydiving
Develped new techniques in Investigations...
I converted my passion into my profession.

Teach, Learn, Share

I can teach basics of Indian langues... A verbal survival kit for India....
I can help you with legal, visa, issues, job or volunteering opportunities in India.
I can help you with any medical help, advise anywhere in India. I have my company people almost in all big cities in India.
I can teach you how to save from Indian scams, touts, hookers, thieves, and probable cheating...
I can help you with itinerary to save on time and money...
I can do anything if I feel to...

Want to learn to say "No"

Can teach you to say "Yes"

What I Can Share with Hosts

I can Share my bike, car, couch, food, books, wicked humor, enthusiasm, positiveness, some incomplete information about Indian things,

I may share my Cameras ( I have 7) and film making equipments if they are free and it does not cost me much....

Countries I’ve Visited

Cambodia, Czech Republic, Germany, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, Malaysia, Nepal, Oman, Singapore, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, United States, Viet Nam

Countries I’ve Lived In


Old School Badges

  • 3 Vouches
  • Pioneer Badge

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