Rifqi Tjahjono's Photo

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  • 9 references 3 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, German, Indonesian; learning Spanish, Ukrainian
  • 30, Male
  • Member since 2018
  • Senior Analytics Manager
  • Computer Science in Bachelor and Management in Master
  • From Indonesia
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

Halo, I am an Indonesian expatriate who has been residing in Germany since 2017. I have a strong passion for data and technology, which has led me to pursue a career in the field. Currently, I work with data and business analytics, utilizing my skills to extract valuable insights and make informed decisions.

Apart from my professional endeavors, I am an ardent food enthusiast. Exploring diverse culinary experiences is a constant source of joy for me. I take delight in sampling various cuisines, both local and international, and savoring the flavors that each culture has to offer.

In my free time, I embrace the vibrant nightlife and enjoy the thrill of parties and social gatherings. I appreciate the energy and liveliness of such environments, and I find them to be an excellent way to unwind and connect with people from different walks of life.

Traveling is a significant aspect of my life. I love embarking on adventures and exploring new destinations, immersing myself in different cultures and gaining a broader perspective of the world. Through my journeys, I capture the beauty around me through photography, documenting my experiences and sharing them with others.

Sports are another passion of mine. Whether it's a solo sport or doing it with friends or following the latest sporting events, I find joy in the competitive spirit and camaraderie that sports bring. Additionally, I believe that sports contribute to a healthy and balanced lifestyle.

One of the most exciting aspects of living abroad is the opportunity to learn about new cultures firsthand. I enjoy engaging with people from diverse backgrounds, learning about their traditions, languages, and customs. It broadens my horizons and fosters a sense of respect and appreciation for our global community.

Overall, I have an adventurous spirit, always seeking to explore new things and expand my knowledge. Germany has provided me with a vibrant and diverse environment to pursue my interests, and I look forward to continuing this enriching journey of discovery.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

Meeting new friends


  • cooking
  • comics
  • video games
  • board games
  • traveling
  • cycling
  • swimming
  • watching movies
  • reading books
  • jogging
  • listening to music

Music, Movies, and Books

Jazz, Classic, Pop, Sci-Fi, Action, Self Development, Biography, and Autobiography

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

I am cycling 100 kms (round trip) in Indonesia only for culinary

Teach, Learn, Share

Computer Science and Business

What I Can Share with Hosts

Indonesian cultural understanding and cuisines

Countries I’ve Visited

Armenia, Austria, Belgium, Brunei Darussalam, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Netherlands, Norway, Pakistan, Poland, Qatar, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United States, Viet Nam

Countries I’ve Lived In

Armenia, Germany, Indonesia

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