Will Thessen的照片


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  • 1 评语
  • 精通 English
  • 20, 男
  • 成为会员的时间:2023
  • wedding videographer
  • college
  • 来自St. Louis, MO, USA
  • 个人主页已完成 100%


I am going to be living out of my prius soon, and excited for this minimalist lifestyle.

I am VERY down to have deep conversations about life, how we chose to live and look at it.
Any excitement is good excitement to me.

I want to be more open to anything entering into my life and take opportunities as they are granted and couch surfing will definitely help.

I'm very agreeable and I think people would benefit having more wholesome interactions with random people.

我为什么加入 Couchsurfing

I love meeting stoked people and getting out of my comfort zone. Sharing experiences with cool people. couch surfing culture is very cool to me.

I've learned the people I meet while traveling, due to the fleeting nature, are purposeful, like-minded, and not stuck in old ways. I've become great friends with many travelers, I think everyone has a story. I find something inspiring in everyone. I have really enjoyed the worldwide network of amazing people that i'm staying in touch with.

I believe we don't need as much as common society tells us we need in order to be happy. I think life needs to be shared rather than taken for yourself. Whether that be sharing your couch or your experiences, I think the world would benefit from being more communal


  • fashion
  • rock climbing
  • videography
  • philosphy


studied in Japan for 6 months


media creation, interesting conversations, and maybe some dance moves (i suck at dancing)



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