Lille, located just 10 miles from the Belgian border in northeastern France, is a historic city that’s always looking for a good time. Visitors can begin a visit to Lille in the main square called Grande Place, and set off on foot to admire the wonderful buildings in the city center and old town. See La Vieille Bourse, Palais des BeauxArts, and Théâtre du Nord to see some excellent examples of Flemish Renaissance architecture.

Even though Lille is packed with gorgeous structures, some of the most enjoyable places to visit in this city are a bit more discrete. Pop into a classic Estaminet, like the famous Aux Vieux de la Vieille, for a drink. This cafe is filled with old-world charm, with all the furniture made of wood, candles on the tables, and old French art decorating the walls. For dessert, head over to Aux Marveilleux, where the specialty is a delicious sweet meringue covered in shaved white chocolate and topped with dark chocolate candies.

Padroni di casa della zona


35 hanno utilizzato Hangout questa settimana

Foto di B
Bassel desiderava Grap beer circa 19 ore fa
Foto di M
Martin desiderava explore the area 4 giorni fa
Foto di L
Ludovic desiderava découvrir la région 7 giorni fa


  • 15-JUN-2024en, sabpr 15 alle 10:00 AM CEST
  • Le foto di Benjamin Buys. Le foto di Joey Siu Le foto di Eric MILAN

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