Salt Lake City, the capital of the gorgeous state of Utah, is a major city that feels much like a small town. In fact, the best way to see the heart of the city is by renting a bike and pedaling down whatever street looks intriguing at the moment. Be sure to check out Temple Square, the headquarters of the Mormon Church and the home of the towering Salt Lake Temple.

Spending time outdoors is crucial for any trip to Salt Lake City, so head out to the Great Salt Lake itself to see where the city got its name. This massive lake is the biggest natural lake west of the Mississippi River, clocking in at about 17,000 square miles. Make your way to the University of Utah campus to see the Red Butte Garden, an amazing garden that’s divided into sections that each represent a specific type of ecosystem. For a fun-filled day trip, drive out to Park City for some great skiing and snowboarding on some of Utah’s most popular slopes.

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Willy desiderava explore the area 3 giorni fa
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Kelsey desiderava make a new friend and ride a wave. circa 4 ore fa
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Kara desiderava go for a hike 3 giorni fa


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