Fotos de Chris Westgard

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  • 45 recomendaciones 33 Confirmadas y positivas
  • Idiomas que habla bien English, Spanish; está aprendiendo Portuguese, Spanish
  • 39, Hombre
  • Miembro desde 2010
  • Global Health
  • father science and mother nature have taught me well
  • No se ha indicado la ciudad natal
  • Has completado un 100% de tu perfil

Sobre mí


crecer, evolucionar, aprender, ofrecer y festejar!
grow, evolve, learn, give, and have a blast!


Soy un niño curioso en un parque de attraciones imensa! Me emociona facil y quiero conocer to tocar todo de todo! Me gusta hacer que gente se siente comodo y que les dejo con una sonrisa. Me gusta hacer cualquier cosa que incluye moviendo y/o pensando. Soy un filosifo, teologo, amador, maestro de chillear y juergera.

I'm just a curious kid in a never-ending amusement park. I am easily excited and want to know everything about everything! I like to make others feel comfortable and ensure they are left with a smile. I enjoy doing anything that involves moving and/or thinking. I'm a philosopher, theologist, lover, master of the art of chilling, and party animal. I enjoy nearly every aspect of life, if it's not fun it's at least interesting.

Soy un hombre heterosexual. No me parece relevante mi sexualidad aca, no me importa la preferencias sexual de otros, pero con experiencia he encontrado que es mejor lo digo de frente.

I am a heterosexual man. Sorry fellas. Although I feel that sexual preference is extremely insignificant in regards to making friends, I have found it necessary to include this information here.


La vida es una vacacion. Una oportunidad materializarse en materia organica y divertirse con los posibilidades de 4 (?) dimensiones. Disfruta la bellaza alrededor de nosotros. Aprendir todo que puedes para que cuand te mueres puedes actualizar la bibliteca de conocimientos que es nuestra conciencia. Segurate que cuando mueres ves a tu vida atras y diga, WOOO que divertida!! Mi filosofia siempre esta cambiando y actualizando. Yo se que yo no se, entonces sigo buscando para realizar una actualizacion. Loco, no? Hay mucho mas;)

Life is a vacation. An opportunity to materialize in organic matter and enjoy the possibilities of 4(?) dimensions. Enjoy the beauty around us in people and things. Learn as much as we can about this world so to update the library of knowledge that is our consciousness. Be sure that when we die we look back and say WOOOO!! That was fun. My philosophy is always expanding and being critiqued. I KNOW that what I know is not THE truth, but just my best guess. I am always searching for information to persuade an update. Crazy huh? Owe there's more!

Por qué estoy en Couchsurfing


I provide, I embrace, I meet, I greet, I learn, I teach, I follow, I lead, I smile, I enjoy, I live, I grow, I grow, and I grow some more.


I have made many friends, learned lifetimes worth, and written wonderful memories with the tools of CSing.


Life, happiness their means and their end. Enjoying every moment with other people enjoying every moment. Discovering new concepts and perspectives, and clarifying my own. Setting my ego aside and letting go. Exploring new areas, walking, reading, watching movies, drinking good beer and cheap rum, listening to good music and jumping up and down, scoring a goal, high fiving, doing anything I haven't already done.

  • animals
  • arts
  • beauty
  • beer
  • walking
  • partying
  • drinking
  • movies
  • reading
  • music
  • philosophy

Música, películas y libros

Philosophy, social theory, physics, comedy, baffling, whatever.

Algo increíble que he hecho

Flatlined! There is no better learning experience. Don't try this at home.
Morí por un ratito. No hay mejor experiencia para aprender! Pero no lo intentas!

Enseña, aprende, comparte

I can help you how to create a very effective public health or community development campaign. Or teach you how to paraglide. Or chew gum while walking without falling.

Países que he visitado

Belgium, Brazil, Cambodia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Czech Republic, Ecuador, England, France, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, India, Italy, Laos, Mexico, Morocco, Nicaragua, Spain, Switzerland, Thailand, Viet Nam

Países en los que he vivido

Argentina, Brazil, Cambodia, Netherlands, Peru, United States

Insignias antiguas

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