Zu Adventurer's Photo

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  • 9 references 4 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English; learning Spanish
  • 32, Other
  • Member since 2012
  • No occupation listed
  • No education listed
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 95% complete

About Me

There's a lot to learn about me (for both you and me!) and if we have the pleasure of meeting I will try to share with you what I can.

In general, I like to keep life pretty simple and pay attention to the opportunities I'm given to learn and grow into an ever more developed individual/human..

Love to drink hot drinks on cold days or enjoy a cool smoothie/fresh juice/frappé on hotter summer days.

I particularly like spending some time to take care of plants and animals, enjoy baking (especially bread), and love exploring hand crafts. I’ve also recently gained an interest in exploring fermented food and drinks (non-alcoholic) :)

I also really like to learn about and contemplate religious and philosophical concepts. Absolutely love to hear other peoples thoughts and perspectives on such things.

Honestly,… I really don’t like hugs. I would really appreciate not engaging in this customary practice 😅


Why I’m on Couchsurfing

To widen my opportunities for meeting people, be exposed to new experiences and learn more about life.

I'm extremely grateful to all those here who have allowed me to share some moments with them on my journey so far. It's impossible to express how much it means to me and how valuable it is to have you/them as a part of the story of my life and that which I am.



Nature, Travel, Slacklining, learning new skills, walking and watching the world..

I usually like to spend some time with an interest and then move onto something else for a bit before returning to continue where I left off.

Meeting and getting to know new people and evidently having lots of random, sometimes deep, conversations with them.

Also love hanging out in cafes drawing, thinking or just watching the world go by whilst enjoying a nice hot drink.

  • baking
  • walking
  • crafts
  • traveling
  • volunteer work
  • socializing
  • crochet
  • minimalism
  • volunteering
  • solo travel
  • nature
  • poi
  • plants
  • chilling
  • conversation
  • learning
  • conversations
  • deep conversations
  • slacklining
  • workaway
  • helpx
  • construction
  • deep talks
  • exercising
  • arts and crafts
  • flow arts
  • health and fitness
  • strength training
  • solo traveling
  • animals and nature
  • hot drinks

Music, Movies, and Books

Mood dependant. I like a bit of everything but if I don't feel in the mood for something I don't enjoy it.

Music: First styles to pop to mind today: Swing/Big Band, Jazz, Blues, electro..., indie, Low-Fi, Chill step and other chill- or -steps, :), Jungle, Dubstep, Almost anything acoustic, House, Ambient, Folk, soul, pop, classical, other culture specific styles.

Movies: no specific genres. I like to pay enough attention to find those moments where the actors say something that perfectly puts one of my many thoughts into some words that sound just right together. Or those images with beautifully recorded and arranged cinematography. Or unique and interesting representations/visualisations of ideas.

Books: I enjoy reading books somewhat related to philosophy, spirituality, religion.
Last year I tried to read at least one book a month in an attempt to improve my reading abilities.

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

Organise a successful Couchsurfing event/meetup

Teach, Learn, Share

Good vibes, different ways of life/living, new experiences/opportunities, interesting vegetarian/vegan friendly cooking, life skills, dance steps?

I occasionally like to share the weird and wonderful things that go on in my mind which makes for interesting conversations in my opinion :D

I'm happy to share any skills I may possess that others would like to learn. I am equally interested to learn any potentially useful (or fun) skills that others may possess and are happy to share with me.

What I Can Share with Hosts

Smiles and laughter.
Enthusiasm for exploring new places and taking part in activities that interest me.
An introduction to the basic steps of swing dancing, Lindy hop style.
Basic crochet.
Baking fun.
Help in the kitchen.
An extra hand with any little thing you've wanted to do for a while but needed a hand with

I can help with English conversation practice if needed.

Generally happy to share any skills I may have that others want to learn.

Countries I’ve Visited

Cyprus, France, Germany, Italy, Morocco, Netherlands, Portugal, Scotland, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey

Countries I’ve Lived In

England, Spain

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