Ian Dorricott's Photo

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  • 13% response rate
  • Last login 7 months ago

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  • 346 references 285 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, French, German; learning Hebrew (modern), Russian, Swedish
  • 64, Male
  • Member since 2007
  • Retired teacher, composer and author
  • Degrees in Arts and Music.
  • From Australia
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me


Only the best for the guest.
Nur das Beste für die Gäste.
Rien que le meilleur pour le visiteur.


I’m a single, older guy with a great love of life and people. Languages are my passion, as well as travelling so I can put them into practice. I enjoy cinema, good wines and reading (crime, biographies, historical novels and travel literature). I have recently become interested in fitness and go to the gym three times a week. (I always invite my guests to come with me.) Another passion is musical theatre. Being a composer of musicals myself, I follow the latest trend in musicals with intense interest. I am especially interested in the musicals being staged in Germany at present. I have seen a lot of the world, including New Zealand, South, Central and North America, Vietnam, New Caledonia, Egypt and Jordan, most of Europe (West and East), Great Britain and Ireland. Australia doesn't interest me all that much at this stage. (Perhaps when I am too old travel!)

Professionally I write music text books for schools. I have also written several musicals for schools. You can check me out on Wikipedia. I have recently written a murder mystery novella about Couchsurfing called 'House Rules'. (I may well be the first person in the world to have done this!) You can check it out here: http://iandor.wix.com/houserules


Live life to the fullest. Our days on earth are few and we have to give it our best shot. There's no second chance!

Why I’m on Couchsurfing


Have hosted over 300 visitors and stayed with several hosts overseas. Each encounter has been a wonderfully positive experience. (Well, apart from one regrettable one with an unreasonable control-freak of a host in North America. But you can't win 'em all!)


I have slept on couches in Eastern Europe (Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, East Germany) in 1990, just after the fall of Communism. It was a wonderful experience.


Languages, musicals, reading, travelling, movies, fitness and meeting new people.

  • books
  • literature
  • fitness
  • movies
  • reading
  • traveling
  • music
  • languages

Music, Movies, and Books

The musicals of Stephen Sondheim (my hero).

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

Spent four days on the Galapagas Islands in 1990. An unbelievable experience - the highlight of all my travels.

Teach, Learn, Share

I look forward to practising my languages with my guests. This is the main reason why I am involved in couch surfing. I also give my guests English lessons, if they want them.

What I Can Share with Hosts

An interesting and enjoyable couch surfing experience. I assure you, you will not find me a boring guest!

Countries I’ve Visited

Andorra, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Belize, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Grenada, Guatemala, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Madagascar, Martinique, Mexico, Montserrat, Morocco, Netherlands, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Norway, Palestine, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Russian Federation, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, San Marino, Singapore, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Trinidad and Tobago, United Kingdom, United States, Vatican City State, Venezuela, Viet Nam, Virgin Islands, U.S., Zimbabwe

Countries I’ve Lived In

Australia, Austria, France

Old School Badges

  • 3 Vouches
  • Pioneer Badge

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