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  • 105 references 59 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, French; learning Icelandic, Spanish
  • 38, Female
  • Member since 2008
  • Board Game Salesperson, Cook
  • The road and the kitchen
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me


To become free from the regret of the past and the fear of the future and to be true to myself, so I can find peace within and therefore have richer relationships with those I meet.


Hi! My name's Kate. I always feel weird filling out these tell-us-who-you-are paragraphs... Well, the basics; I love food (all aspects of it), crafts, board games, music and DIY culture. I traveled spontaneously a Lot in my youth (wow that makes me feel and sound old) and now that I've found myself a cute tiny apartment back in my home town, I'm focusing more on self-discovery and healing, and for the time being keeping my adventures local.

I'm in the process of reconnecting with nature and disconnecting more from tech, and making some meaningful connections with people. Suffering from social anxiety doesn't make this easy to achieve, but I work hard to get myself out of my comfort zone. When unaffected by my anxiety I feel awesome and do the most unexpected things. Apparently I'm a walking contradiction. I'm also hypersensitive which can make things daunting; A big noisy bar isn't the best place for me to meet a dozen new people, but a nice walk in nature followed by a picnic, a board game night, a cozy concert in a small venue, or a day-in of good drinks and music-exchanging? I'm in!


Problems are opportunities in disguise.
Appreciate the little things.
Don't be sad that it ended. Be happy that it happened.

Assumption leads to misery. We never really know the whole truth, we never really know what others are thinking, and never really know what certain opportunities have to offer us.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

I have met so many amazing people through Couchsurfing; some that have changed my life, one that even saved it! I am someone that can initially be too fearful to approach people, and Couchsurfing is a great tool to help break the ice and get to know people and develop some amazing friendships.

I used to attend lots of events and regularly hosted my own, mostly potlucks and board game nights. I've surfed many a couch around the world and I've hosted several times in a couple of different countries. Unfortunately everything got halted due to Covid, but I'm now back hoping to meet some new people in my home town.


  • animals
  • cats
  • diy
  • cooking
  • chocolate
  • baking
  • gardening
  • board games
  • dumpster diving
  • knitting
  • cycling
  • kayaking
  • tennis
  • hitchhiking
  • road trips
  • nature
  • thrift shops
  • sustainable living
  • arts and crafts

Music, Movies, and Books

I've always loved National Geographics and how-to books, otherwise I tend towards sci-fi and fantasy adventure books.

I listen to a wide range of music; from alternative rock to ambient to ska to melodic death metal to shoegaze, dream pop, to low-fi and old hip-hop. Music from the 90s and early 2000s has a special place in my heart. Actually music in general is very important to me.

Movies? Most Sci-Fi flicks, and post-apocalyptic. Lost in Translation, The Motorcycle Diaries, Master and Commander, District 9, 127 Hours, Jurassic Park, Into the Wild, Under The Tuscan Sun, Penelope, Galaxy Quest, Passengers, The Secret Life of Walter Mitty and Interstellar also pop into mind. Love movies based on true events. I'm a fan of anime as well.

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

Hiking in Iceland and waking up at 2am to enjoy the sunrise on the top of a mountain, above the clouds.

Runner up: Gone swimming in the ocean with friends in Mexico while a hurricane was passing in the distance and the city was flooded, and almost drowned. Amazingly Stupid is more like it.

Teach, Learn, Share

I'd be happy to teach you some board games, cooking tips, healthy recipes and basic Icelandic.
I'm open to learning whatever the moment inspires you to share!

Countries I’ve Visited

Australia, Belgium, Canada, England, France, Iceland, Ireland, Mexico, Morocco, Scotland, United States

Countries I’ve Lived In

Canada, Iceland

Old School Badges

  • 12 Vouches
  • Pioneer Badge

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