Fotos de Gleeden Dia

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  • 51 recomendaciones 9 Confirmadas y positivas
  • Idiomas que habla bien English, Hindi, Konkani, Marathi (Marāṭhī)
  • 55, Hombre
  • Miembro desde 2016
  • Business & Process Consultant
  • MBA-Ukraine, Graduation in English India, Graduation in P...
  • No se ha indicado la ciudad natal
  • Has completado un 100% de tu perfil

Sobre mí

Am friendly, chatty, practical, informative , witty, full of surprises

Por qué estoy en Couchsurfing

Met some wonderful CS persons....some r now good friends.
Sharing travel stories & experiences
Understanding cultures, sub-cultures & behaviour


So many. Primarly building human experiences..

  • traveling
  • socializing
  • good conversation
  • sharing stories
  • sharing experiences

Música, películas y libros

Slow Rock, techno, hiphop, salsa, country, bollywood, electro

Algo increíble que he hecho

Cant pin point a single one

Enseña, aprende, comparte

Have studied philosophy, psychology, logic, MBA in Project Management, been a Teacher, a Scout Master, a Trainer, a Department Head, etc
Can also show you ancient caves within the heart of the bustling city of ice-age rock formation Gilbert Hill...a tour ...explain history of Public modes of Transportation.... Chatty company... Explain history of Mumbai... am a fairly good cook & believe in minimalism.
Can show u ancient caves right in d heart of Pune.....explain d history of d Peths in Pune...Aga Khan Palace..
Shinde ki Chatri...empress garden.. botanical garden...parvati temple...shaniwar wada..vishrambag wada...sarasbag & other places in Pune.
I do organise events like mic..trekking...potluck

Qué puedo ofrecer a los anfitriones

An exchange of wonderful xperiences, a city tour, lunch, high tea, dinner...wonderful chatty company... Cannot mention all can i!

Países en los que he vivido


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