Fotos von Jack Darbyshire

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  • Letzte Anmeldung vor 3 Tage

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  • 0 Referenzen
  • Spricht fließend English; lernt zurzeit German
  • 20, Männlich
  • Mitglied seit 2024
  • Barista/Farmhand
  • Concept art student in london
  • Aus hampshire
  • Profil zu 55 % vollständig

Über mich

I'm currently getting my last big travelling trip in before I'm tied down in London for Uni for 3+years. I'm Canadian, moved to England when I was 6 months old though you wouldn't think it because of my accent.

I love solo travel, hiking, art and music. I've worked on multiple farms in and out of the UK on work-for-board type jobs. I love city life just as much though, with a good concert or pub crawl being among my favourite nights out. I can play guitar at intermediate level and am learning to draw so would always be down for a jam session and/or some group sketching.

Warum ich bei Couchsurfing bin

The main draw for coach surfing for me is the chance to meet other travellers and people with interesting stories. Breaking bread, sitting round a fire and having a good laugh is a opportunity rarely afforded so I relish in it whenever it is.

I also want to travel to a lot of different cities and despite having a friend who could give me a place to crash in most of them it's nice to meet new people and maybe add to that list of friends in different cities.


  • concerts
  • beer
  • drawing
  • music
  • guitar
  • hiking
  • camping
  • animation
  • bartending
  • student
  • campfires
  • barista
  • concept art

Musik, Filme und Bücher

Top 4 Albums:
Pop food - Jack Satuber
Beachboy- Mcafferty
RWBY Vol.1 - Jeff Williams

Favourite shows:
Midnight gospel
Cowboy bebop

Fav Movies:
Baby Driver
Castle of Cagliostro

Fav Books:
Geometry for ocelots - Exerbia
Harrow the Ninth - Tansyn Muir
Night Watch - Terry Pratchett
Mid night Chicken - Ella Ridbridger

Eine tolle Erfahrung, die ich gemacht habe

Solo climbed the majority of Snowdonian on my days off while running 10km a day

Lehren, lernen, teilen

Cooking is a learned skill, just like learning a instrument or drawing. No one starts out good at it but you can really help yourself by taking it bit by bit and making sure you have garlic, parmesan and red + white wine stocked in your kitchen at all times

I learned multiple times in 2023 that doing dangerous stuff alone and without proper research can end very badly if you don't get lucky.

Inform yourself, prioritise your safety and believe in yourself. if you try everyday to be better than your already doing better than most

Was ich mit Gastgebern teilen kann

- My good humour :)
- I can cook pretty well and could make a nice meal to share
- Give me a guitar and I can entertain you for a hour or two
- Maybe drawing requests depending on how low your expectations are
- I picked up my mothers knack for cleanliness and will probably asking YOU if I could clean up after dinner
- I have some decent exercise advice stored in the back of my brain somewhere

Länder, die ich besucht habe

France, Germany, Malta, Netherlands, Switzerland, United States

Länder, in denen ich gelebt habe

Canada, England, Wales

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