Orçun Şahin's Photo

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  • 187 references 161 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, Turkish; learning French, Polish, Russian
  • 34, Male
  • Member since 2013
  • SAP Financial Consultant & Manager
  • Studied Economics in Ege University
  • From İzmir, İzmir, Türkiye
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me


Knowing more people to make the life more enjoyable in every possible way and searching for the place I belong.


I am a person who loves meeting new people and learning more about new cultures and life visions.

This is my FB profile:



My main goal is, experiencing as much as I can in lots of different ways. This is the way you find and discover about yourself. Life is too short to be sad and too enjoyable to just sit and watch. Routin dynamics of daily life is something I try to escape from. (I mostly manage to do this) Therefore, I try to fill my whole free time with different activities and meeting new people; learning about their life, try to understand their decisions and visions. This also adds new values to my vision and improves me in lots of ways. To sum up; search, experience, learn, use what you have learnt, share and never regret because of any experiences you had!

Why I’m on Couchsurfing


My flat mate was the one who wanted me to join bck then. He couchsurfs at least twice a year and enjoying it pretty much. Since I saw how much he was enjoying, I thought I can also participate in this so here we go..


I have been hosting and guiding lots of surfers to make them have a better time and save some money. It has been more than 2 years since I started and hosted more than 400 ppl at total. (Lost the exact count long ago) Also, I am visiting Poland frequently since it is the place I feel free and happy. Always CSing and meeting my CS friends during my visits. Currently I am getting ready for my 7th visit (and 4th Woodstock).


Welcome to the most important part of my profile. If you want to ignore my whole profile, do it but don't skip this part. I tried to avoid writing such information for 5 years, but recently I started to have enough negative experiences and it has became a necessity to mention the following. I am mentioning them with all of my positive thoughts, for the sake of your and my peace:

-While you are sending me a request, clearly mention that you have checked my profile, specially the following lines about my expectations. Otherwise expect me to reject with no words at all.
-Do you care about location of the flat more than people you will stay with? After being accepted will you send another message saying you are accepted by someone else in a better location blabla? Don't request to stay with me at all please. I understand location is an important fact but if it is more important than the people you will stay with, this means you simply need a good place to stay without paying, and it is not my place that suits you. Consider paying to a hotel in that case.
-Make a full request providing as much information as possible, a simple sentence is much less than what I expect. Spare some of your time and do it, your request won't be left without a reply in this case (I also feel sad when I spend some time for writing a full request and don't get a reply at all, I feel you).
-Be communicative. If you are requesting to stay, and specially if I am replying in a very short amount of time, reply back. Simply don't change your mind after several days just because you found relatively better options for your taste. You are abusing other people's chances to stay with me in that case (I get a lot of requests every week), also messing up my plans. I am very dedicated to my surfers and trying hard to make their time much more interesting during their stays, regarding their preferences. If you will be always looking for better options after requesting to stay with me and getting a quick reply, simply don't request to stay with me at all.
-If your English is bad, I mean really bad which makes you feel uncomfortable to talk/communicate (sometimes it is hard to understand it from requests *blames google translate*) and you will try to avoid talking to me, then I don't see a point for you to stay at my place from my point of view. Language barrier kills the huge amount of couchsurfing experience for both sides (No worries, I don't expect your free time to be dedicated to me or anything smilar). I will make some exceptions for those who needs a place urgently, having serious problems with their visit/current hosts, not very experienced with couchsurfing and worried etc.
-During my sleeping times please respect and don't make any noise (this specificaly goes for the people I host as a group, trust me I had unbelievable experiences...). If you wake up earlier than me (this is kinda hard within week days, good luck trying), don't try to smash the light switches just to switch them on, terrorize the flat with using the hair dryer, washing machine and such (I will update this part with the help of my future creative surfers).
-Keep the toilet, your room, shared places and your own dishes clean in the end. Leave them as you found them I beg you. I am not a person with huge amount of free time and interest to clean after others. Other people will be using them shortly after you, respect them and me please, it will be much appreciated.
-If you want to use any private stuff I have (such as shampoo, toothpaste, towel, perfume etc.) don't hesitate to ask. I really do love sharing and I don't mind sharing anything I have at all. What I don't really enjoy is finding them used without being asked; damaged, emptied and such. I even have a lot of spare ones specificly for my surfers.
-Not mad/disagreed yet? You are very welcome to go on and finish reading my profile then send your request to me.

Again, a kind reminder: If you won't mention that you agree with these, I will simply reject your request without replying at all. If you don't spare your time and wonder about the people you will stay with, I don't spare my time to write anything back either, sorry.


Almost all kinds of music, quantum physics, cultural, boilogic, psychologic and scientific discussions, meeting new people and sharing stories, stargazing, day dreaming, reading books, playing drums, going to concerts, operas, oratorios etc. , camping, joining to almost every single social activity to meet new people, computer games, tasting new alcohol (I have a huge alcohol collection with bottles collected from all around the world), all kinds of exciting/crazy new experiences to have (I am well known with my my spontaneous and sudden decisions/plans) and such..

Music, Movies, and Books

Long story to write down all about it.. But I enjoy reading pretty much (mostly scientific books) and listening to music even more. I love almost all kinds of music. I am also a drum player, therefore music means a lot to me. When it comes to watching movies, I can't say I do it quite often but I enjoy watching them with friends.

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

Obviously my first step to Poland. Totally changed my vision and goals in my life, made the new beginning of a new era for my future.

Teach, Learn, Share

I love teaching and sharing really much! Even teaching is a part of my job, that's why I picked it. I'll gladly support people with Turkish/English anytime I am available. And about sharing, this is the main vision of my life: The more you share, the happier you are!

What I Can Share with Hosts

Apart from everything you expect from a common host, I can provide a cool company with my local foreign friends in Istanbul for you to enjoy your stay more. Depending on what you enjoy doing, I am open for any ideas for making your stay as good as possible. Isn't it the spirit of CS? :)

Also I will provide you a public transportation card + a smartphone with internet and Turkish number which you can contact me with.

Countries I’ve Visited

Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Canada, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iran, Lebanon, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Russian Federation, Serbia, South Korea, Spain, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United States

Countries I’ve Lived In


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  • 2 Vouches

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