Fotos de Jason Walsh

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Visão geral

  • 67 referências 43 Confirmado e Positivo
  • Fluente em: English; aprendendo: Greek (modern), Spanish
  • 39, Masculino
  • Membro desde 2009
  • Doctor
  • Postgraduate
  • De London, England, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
  • Perfil 100% concluído

Sobre Mim


Study, lift, travel.


I like science, travelling and lifting stuff. I’m a doctor (cardiologist), currently working/studying in Oxford.

Por que estou no Couchsurfing?


host and surf


In 2008, through a friends profile i couchsurfed across Turkey. It was an excellent experience so i set up this profile. I have had many delightful hosts and guests since!


Lifting, studying, holidays

Músicas, Filmes e Livros

Books: The Voyage of the Beagle, Origin of Species, Parasite Rex, The Blind Watchmaker, Why We Get Sick, The Red Queen, 150 ECG problems, To Kill a Mockingbird. Also, lonely planet guides.

Uma Coisa Incrível que Eu Fiz

Cycled the length of India (4000km) in under 5 weeks.

Países que Visitei

Australia, Austria, Bahamas, Barbados, Belgium, Brazil, Cambodia, Canada, China, Croatia, Cuba, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, England, Estonia, Fiji, Finland, France, Gambia, Georgia, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Iran, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Latvia, Lebanon, Lithuania, Malta, Mexico, Mongolia, Morocco, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Oman, Palestine, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russian Federation, Scotland, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sri Lanka, Swaziland, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United States, Viet Nam, Wales

Países em que Morei

Australia, Lebanon, United Kingdom, United States

Insígnias de Veteranos

  • 2 Atestars

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