Photos de Beatriz Medinas Bernardino

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  • 4 avis 4 Confirmé et positif
  • Parle couramment  English, French, Portuguese, Sign Language - Spanish
  • 31, Femme
  • Membre depuis 2018
  • Nurse
  • Aucun niveau d'étude indiqué
  • de Santarém District, Portugal
  • Profil renseigné à 100 %

À propos de moi

Hi guys ! I’m a Portuguese nurse living in Kilkenny, Ireland since 2017! I’m a very peaceful person, I love to meet people and to make friends! On of my passions is to travel and to be able to get to know (and to feel) all the history and culture.

Also, another passion that I have is food! I love to cook (did I say that I’m Portuguese ? Eheh) everything and lately I’ve been improving my vegan skills though what I’m really and specially good is with Portuguese and Mediterranean food!
Another part of me is related with nature. I think that nowadays we do need to value our Earth, to take care and of it and to connect with it. Yoga and meditation have an important role in my life, so I would love to share peaceful and fulfilling moments with you! :)

I love to hike, I live in a country that just offers me the best natural green views and also the best smiles ever, so something that I would be more than glad to share a good laugh, fresh, green and healthy hiking day!

Besides this, Kilkenny is an amazing city! Full of history and “typically Irish” places! Lot of pubs and cool places to enjoy!

Pays que j'ai visités

Angola, France, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Spain

Pays dans lesquels j'ai vécu

Angola, Ireland, Portugal

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