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  • 22 references 9 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English; learning French, Spanish
  • 38, Male
  • Member since 2011
  • Wandering Educator
  • I have a degree in French and Francophone studies and a T...
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me


Never ending search for something new and recognizable


I am an accumulation of everywhere I have ever been and everyone I have ever met.

I am a nomad and therefore move/travel a lot. I haven't live in the same place for more than 2 years in the past 13 years!

Currently living in Santiago, Chile

Being such a nomad I have come to prefer living in different places to simply visiting them. It gives me a much better understanding of an area then I could otherwise achieve. Couchsurfing gives a small taste of that by being able to meet locals and the opportunity to have a good friend in every city around the world.

Learn more about my adventures at:


I am a feminist and most of my political and philosophical beliefs stem from an intersectional feminist perspective.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing


I travel, host and surf!


I have hosted and surfed all over. I love CS events as well!

My Travel Blogs


My biggest passions are animals and people, giving me a love of everything from being deep in the forest, to being in the middle of a music festival!
I love exploring different ideas and cultures, and to me the animal kingdom is a collection of different cultures and ideas just like ours.

  • animals
  • festivals
  • traveling
  • music

Music, Movies, and Books

In college, most of my reading consisted of French literature and Feminist essays. My daily intake still includes the latter, but I have also starting to read more for pleasure now that I have graduated. Currently working on A Song of Fire and Ice (Game of Thrones)

~~~~~Visual Entertainment~~~~~
I tend to prefer television series more than movies as their length gives the opportunity for greater character growth and plot intensity than any single movie can provide. There are plenty of exceptions of course but yeah...
Past/current infatuations:
***Doctor Who***, True Blood, Firefly, Dollhouse, Buffy, Dexter, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Queer as Folk, The L Word, Black Books, Nikita, Heroes.

~~~~~Auditory Aesthetics~~~~~
Short answer:

Some bands that resist the ebb and flow of infatuation:
Crystal Castles, Coeur de Pirate, Dresden Dolls, Fischerspooner, Freezepop, Frou Frou, Imogen Heap, Hanson, The Hush Sound, Kill Hannah, Macklemore and Ryan Lewis, Metric, Ms. John Soda, Nine Inch Nails, Nirvana, Stromae, Silversun Pickups, Snow Patrol, Tegan and Sara, Vive La Fête, and The XX.

I love cooking so I am constantly looking up new and exciting recipes. I also love eating! Particularly I love trying new places especially hole-in-the-walls that only locals know about.
In general, I love Thai, Chinese, Mexican, Italian and French food. Oh and pizza, which is definitely its own category, and perhaps loved above all others!
My only dietary restriction is anything that was at one point an aquatic dweller... Still not sure if it is an allergy, but I tend to get sick after...

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

Moving and living all around the world. Finding a career that allows me to do so.

Countries I’ve Visited

Canada, Chile, China, Czech Republic, El Salvador, England, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, Monaco, Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States

Countries I’ve Lived In

Canada, Chile, China, France, United States

Old School Badges

  • 4 Vouches

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