benjamin poliak's Photo

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  • 68 references 49 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, Hebrew (modern), Russian; learning German, Spanish
  • 39, Male
  • Member since 2009
  • engineer of sorts. A curious high tech Bum at heart.
  • parents, school system, books, critical thinking, Wikipedia.
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me


With all your powers combined I am captain planet!
Also I plan to try to work less and learn more. so any random course you have would be a welcome addition.


not much to say to summarize myself in a few sentences.
but if I had to try...
I'm here, trying to make the best of my time and
meet as many good people as I can on the way.
see what I can on the other way.

you're welcome to check out my (somewhat-incredibly-ridiculously-un-imaginably outdated) blog:


Be good. Not like a dog. like Google, but better than Google.
Don't care about money as much as they do, do care about knowledge. :)
Oh, and smile! it makes your face wider.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing


I make a point of meeting surfers in any country I visit even when living arrangements are not an issue since I find them generally great and easy going and I kind of like people. in a normal way. I have hosted some people in Tel Aviv and ... anyway I participate like everyone else, just let it go ok? ok?! sorry... what were we talking about?


I have had amazing experiences. All of them are summarized in meeting wonderful people with different ideas, opinions and creative minds. every interaction with fellow couch surfers reminds me of how much fun people are and how right I am to keep meeting new ones.


people, music, literature, science, art... just about anything you throw at me.
I am also very curious about human nature and what's all this Identity thing is about.

Music, Movies, and Books

Anything Wes Anderson, most Coen brothers, Rango, fight club, clerks, super bad, the departed, The big Lebowski, and numerous others.
books: brave new world, heart of darkness, 1984, white tiger, stories by kafka, the rules of attraction, after many a summer dies the swan, the stranger....... music: just about anything that's good, you can fill this with everything most people like and spice it up with some bizarre stuff on the side.

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

Traveling in Kashmir left me completely mesmerized. Everyone kept trying to keep us out of the region on account of the clashes between muslims and hindus in the area but we made it there and stayed in the most amazing guest house and had the best tour guide I have yet to meet. So, if you have a chance to go to Kashmir and meet with a guide whose feet are harder than concrete don't hesitate. That same guide took us through a blizzard on an Ice mountain while we were dressed in t-shirts, and I mean it in the best possible way...

Teach, Learn, Share

I can teach you russian, or hebrew, or english.
I can also play very bad guitar (the easiest kind to teach) and can help you out with basic video and photo editing. but really, I'm best at simply being.

New skills! crazy! amazing! big Badaboom!
Skateboard! I have a new electric one and you are welcome to join the future. or go back to it...
(get it?? like in back to the future??? no? awwww....)

What I Can Share with Hosts

Everything! Everything I have that is. We will NOT go stealing shit and sharing it! never again! *shakes head*

Nah, but really, you are welcome to my liqueur cabinet and my plethora of deconstructed liberal ideas.

Countries I’ve Visited

Croatia, Germany, Greece, India, Laos, Macedonia, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Russian Federation, South Africa, Spain, Thailand, United Kingdom, United States

Countries I’ve Lived In

Botswana, Israel, Singapore, United Kingdom, United States

Old School Badges

  • 2 Vouches

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