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  • 8 references 5 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, Portuguese, Slovene; learning Italian, Portuguese
  • 31, Other
  • Member since 2014
  • medical student
  • No education listed
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

A girl from a small but very beautiful country who is not quite ready just yet to start an adult life and is enjoying her last months as a student. I will spend the summer in Funchal doing an internship and hopefully some hiking and a lot of meeting people.
I already lived in Porto for one year and I am feeling kind of at home in Portugal. I also spent some months in Brazil and loved it. I guess I have an unexplained connection with portuguese speaking countries and people which nobody in my country can quite understand haha

Looking for hiking or climbing company ⛰️🏕️🏞️

I would say my main attributes are empathy, being a good listener, responsible and being able to enjoy small things and moments in life.

I think I'm using travelling as a distraction and hoping I will find my peace in it - that never happens but nevertheless it offers countless experiences

Uma menina de um pais pequeno mas maravilhoso que não se sente mesmo muito preparada para entrar no mundo de adultos e quer aproveitar dos últimos meses da sua vida estudantil. Vou passar o verão em Funchal a fazer um estágio no hospital e espero que também caminhar e encontrar pessoas novas.
Morei no Porto por um ano e já me sinto um pouco em casa em Portugal. Também passei alguns meses no Brasil e amei. Parece que tenho uma conexão inexplicável com os paises lusófonos que as pessoas em casa não entendem muito bem haha

A procura de companhia pra caminhadas e escalada ⛰️🏕️🏞️

Diria que os meus atributos principais são que sou empatica, uma boa ouvinte, responsavel e que sei aproveitar dos momentos especiais e coisas pequenas na vida.

Acho que estou a usar viagens como uma distracção com a esperança que vou encontrar meu paz em algum lugar - isso nunca acontece mas mesmo assim ganho experiências inesquecíveis.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

I liked all of my couchsurfing encounters until now as it gives you a completely different experience and helps you meet people you otherwise wouldn't.

🇵🇹Gostei dos todos encontros de CS que tive até agora porque me deram uma experiência única e diferente e conhecer pessoas que, caso contrário, não encontraria.


Hiking, climbing, travelling, reading, cooking & eating, learning languages, getting to know people, photography, music, cycling

  • photography
  • dining
  • cooking
  • yoga
  • reading
  • traveling
  • music
  • cycling
  • hiking
  • skydiving
  • languages
  • climbing

Music, Movies, and Books

Music: rock, Bruce Springsteen ❤️, relaxing, live
Movies: Pulp Fiction, Inception, American Beauty, The usual Suspects, The Phantom of the Opera
Books: The song of Ice and Fire, The Great Gatsby, Afganistan, where God Only Comes to Weep, The Beach, Scarpetta series

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done


Countries I’ve Visited

Albania, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Croatia, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Montenegro, Netherlands, Portugal, Serbia

Countries I’ve Lived In

Portugal, Slovenia

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