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Fotos de Dean Biji

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  • 42 recomendaciones 22 Confirmadas y positivas
  • Idiomas que habla bien English, Tagalog; está aprendiendo Arabic
  • 32, Hombre
  • Miembro desde 2015
  • Travel Enthusiast
  • Bachelor of Science in Business Management
  • De Philippines
  • Has completado un 100% de tu perfil

Sobre mí

Hey new friend! Nice to virtually meet you. I'm Dean, a 32 year old guy from the faraway lands of the Philippines. I am one of many things... Currently, an executive assistant, traveler, aspiring artist, local guide, meat lover, outdoor enthusiast, and mostly, a curious mind.

I'm very excited about traveling and trying new things, and of course, meeting new people. To me, traveling isn't just about seeing new places; it's about discovering who you are, pushing your limits, getting to know how the world works outside your comfort zone and be one with the local community. When you change your surroundings, you change yourself. You appreciate things in a new light. There would be these moments and I would just stop in awe, in silence, in disbelief of what’s in front of me. Travelling has changed the way I look at the world.

Por qué estoy en Couchsurfing

To learn your life story and get an inside scoop from a local while saving a penny or two. I'm very lucky that I have the opportunity to offer my couch to help make a stranger's day.


Music, photography, surfing, socials, ice cream, travel, and animals of all kinds.

I am fueled by the outdoors and love everything about it. I am an active traveler, hiker, and an adrenaline junkie. I have gone scuba diving and cliff jumping and more! Anything that gets your blood running is definitely worth doing.

  • photography
  • partying
  • traveling
  • hiking
  • scuba diving
  • food
  • adventure

Algo increíble que he hecho

I admire life's little things, like the sky's natural gradient or a kiss from a dog. But one thing I'm definitely proud of: moving out and living independently.

Enseña, aprende, comparte

I've heard some incredible stories throughout my short-lived life. From strangers on a park bench to business owners to little children, everyone has a story to tell. I can't wait to hear yours.

Qué puedo ofrecer a los anfitriones

Open ears, open mind, a helping hand in the kitchen, pizza parties, room rearranging, a walking buddy, plenty of smiles and tons of selfies.

I am a great listener and can keep up with any conversation. With couchsurfing, I hope to get to know my host or guest and learn from them while interacting in the normal everyday activities and sharing laughs.

Países que he visitado

Armenia, Austria, Czech Republic, Georgia, Hungary, India, Malaysia, Maldives, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, United Arab Emirates

Países en los que he vivido

Philippines, United Arab Emirates

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