Hoa Dinh的照片


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  • 6 评语 2 已确认并且正面评论
  • 精通 English, Vietnamese; 正在学习 Tibetan Standard, Tibetan, Central
  • 38, 女
  • 成为会员的时间:2013
  • ERP Technical Consultant & Freelance Photographer
  • MSc. BIS - University College Cork
  • 来自Hanoi, Hanoi, Vietnam
  • 个人主页已完成 95%



We should be living like we lived that summer!


I love travelling, listen music & can play piano a little bit, chat chit with people have same hobbies & believe me I have hundreds of hobbies :)), go round to find out new, special restaurants, coffee stores, street foods (Hanoi is great place for this activity!)..., love to stay in mountain & sea areas, climbing & trekking...
I also have special interest in photography & chat chit with friends have same interest, maybe all day :) now I work as freelance photographer at weekend, but almost my clients are my friends, so for free only but have great fun ^^
I love animal also, I have a cat but prefer dog!


I used to get a lot of help from many people when I travel to anywhere in my country, or when I work overseas and got a lot of promise to take me around if I go to their countries.
So I just want to give it back :)!

我为什么加入 Couchsurfing


I have been a guest in some people's houses at time I worked overseas before I knew CS through my friend fb. According to her description I know how CS's member hospitality!
Now I just want to give back!


visited 7 states (3.11%)Create your own visited map of The World or Free android travel guide
My first experience is great! I knew her in a short time in Singapore & then she ask me to want to go to Malacca, Malaysia, her home town, of course I agree immediately, we drive to Malacca & we go around to shooting photo together & taste the most famous street foods! That was a really sweet memory & we still keep in touch until now!


I'm interested in hundreds of things but normally not too long time: handmade, cooking the strange foods I taste them somewhere, try to guess the ingredient & cook it at home, sometimes the result is awesome :)), plant flowers, making mocktails or cocktail(only Margarita) ...
However, I have special ambition with my camera, I shoot every things: street life, macro, sport,.. but love portrait & wedding photography most. One of my friend said that: "Photographers can feel the happiness easiest because their work is to capture the most beautiful moments of other people". Whenever I saw my photos I remember this sayings <3
My new interest is playing piano, don't have great talent but not too bad ^^

  • animals
  • cats
  • dogs
  • photography
  • cooking
  • cocktails
  • coffee
  • drinking
  • clothing
  • flowers
  • traveling
  • music
  • piano
  • hunting
  • sports
  • rock climbing
  • freelancing
  • tourism
  • volunteering


I love to see science, discovery, music movies: Into the wild, Rurouni Kenshin,Once...
I love music, enjoy it own day ^^ I listen all kinds of music, now prefer Rock Ballad & Jazz,... (listen "If I could fly"_ Halloween now!)

Used to read a lot of books, but now don't have much time to read. I love series science books of Stephen Hawking even cannot understand all :))
Last novel I read is "The Fountainhead" _ Ayn Rand, amazing one, finished it in 2 days!


I joined the long time NGOs volunteer campaign in Vietnamese in rural area of minority group. The village's in the valley, it take us 5 hours to climb & walk to get there. Without electricity, mobile phone, wifi... We worked very hard to build a house & harvest the crop, teach & play with children. Funny thing is that we first cannot distinguish between grass & rice plant :)) We saw things that we'd never seen in city: poor people must to eat corn all years, children even don't have clothes to wear, never eat a candy,.. That's really impressed! After this travel, I'm much appreciated with what I currently have without any claiming about what I don't have anymore!


I can share my experiences about photography: shooting, photos,..., cooking Vietnamese foods , teach you Vietnamese language, some kinds of drinks: mocktail, cocktail, handmade...
I want to learn French language, cause I love French songs, I used to learn French but forgot all now :(


China, Ireland, Laos, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand


Ireland, Singapore, Viet Nam

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