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  • 151 references 109 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, Indonesian
  • 34, Male
  • Member since 2017
  • Illustrator
  • Bachelor of Design
  • From Indonesia
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me


New Destination New Friends


covid vaccine status: 3x Astra Zeneca Shot


I born in June 1989 (count my age yourself!), A Libertine guy from Surabaya Indonesia. I work as a freelance illustrator, and really devote my life on art. When i go travel, i love to spent my time in historical sites such as churches, palaces, and museums - maybe i become a little nerdy because of this. To make it nerdier, I'm also a book collector, especially visual art books.
While i'm working, i love to listen to seminars and discussion in youtube, to enrich my knowledge. the topic can be vary; art, culture, philosophy, religion, science, politics, feminism, etc.

I believe knowledge is my biggest assets - the inspirational source to create my artworks, and also, to treat people that chat with me. people love interesting trivia, right?

When i'm not drawing, i work on my novel, my favorite subject is mixture of philosophy, religion, and sex. my writings are synthesis of the philosophy lectures, bible studies, music that i heard, movies that i watch, and sprinkles of inspiration from my life experience.

in my city i also join a lot of social activities such as Tedx (independent organizers who want to create a TED-like event) and some philosophical circles


I am a Libertine, the Captain of My Ship, The Director of My Life

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

To visit a city, is not just about strolling over its magnificent sights, but also to learn and live its culture. Therefore, i believe that i can learn a city's culture well from its local resident.
i used to join some youth day events that give me a chance to live in a home of local resident in Jeju Island, Warsaw, and Krakow. from this experience, i become understand the way they live, that i might never experience if i just sleep in a hostel.
this world has so many culture, and when i got my chance to learn about it, i will happily try it.
Also, as a freelance illustrator, i got plenty of free time, that i can spent to travel. this is like a 'privilege' that can't be enjoyed by friends that work in the office. This condition requires me to travel alone. When i'm in couchsurfing, i will get new friends that will accompany me, so i won't be alone :D


I go around the world to add inspiration for my artwork

  • arts
  • philosophy
  • museum
  • movie
  • historical places

Music, Movies, and Books

Music: for classic i love Mozart, Chopin, Bizet, and Liszt. For Jazz i love Nina Simone, and Ella Fitzgerald. I have wide range of music to listen when i'm working. And of course i love sweet child of mine :P
I think my favorite genre overall is folk


Favorite production house;

Favorite directors;

Ari Aster
Yorgos Lanthimos
Stanley Kubrick
Lars von Trier
Wes Anderson
Martin Scorsese
Satoshi Kon
Quentin Tarantino

Favorite Actors;

Meryl Streep
Leonardo DiCaprio
Tilda Swinton
Christian Bale
Elizabeth Debicki
Glenn Close
Zhang Ziyi
Michelle Yeoh
Cecilia Cheung

Favorite movie all the Time :
Silence by Martin Scorsese

Favorite Genre: Psychological Thriller

Favorite movies;

A Clockwork Orange
The Holy Mountain
The Favorite
13 Bom di Jakarta
Dangerous Liaison
Moulin Rogue
Anna Karenina
Hunger Game

Some series that I watch, and personally moves me are:

1. Bojack Horseman - it's very realistic and somewhat makes me feel relate in many occasions. So far it's the best series I ever watch

2. The good place - if you into philosophy, you will love this. And it's very relatable too. I swear.

3. Crazy ex Girlfriend - dark, funny, realistic, psychotic, absurd, lovely musical. I don't know a lot of people watching this around me but it's very recommended.

4. Squid Game - put my emotion on roller coaster. I watch all the series before 24 hours

5. Neon Genesis Evangelion - I'm not into robots usually, but Eva are not robot. It's science fiction meet doomsday meets psychological thriller


Haruki Murakami's
George Orwell's
Amy Tan's
JK Rowling's
Pramoedya Ananta Toer's
Leila S. Chudori's
some classic scandal like Therese Raquin and Anna Karenina.
Lately I don't really have time to read books, so while I painting, I got my picture in picture YouTube window, and watch / listen some documentaries / audiobook to kept my knowledge updated.

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

°When i was in Asian Youth Day in Daejon, South Korea, i got a chance to bring my painting to Pope Francis, with my own hand. i always bring the copies of this painting, in postcard size, when i travel, so i can give it to people that encountered with me, and share my joy.

°As an illustrator, my greatest achievement so far is i was appointed to paint the ceiling of St. Yakobus, the biggest church in my city.

°I was trekking for 7 days to Annapurna Base Camp in Nepal. I never do any serious trek, and miraculously i can complete this!

°I was traveling for 4 months over Turkey and Europe, and only 1 day I stay in a hostel. The rest is I use couchsurfing and made great friends!

°for the first time I throw a party for my 32nd birthday. It's the first time ever I celebrate my birthday that way, and it was amazing! I stay for about 8 months in bali, and make about 150 new friends there, and most of them are from couchsurfing community. So I want to do something to honor them :p
The party theme was Horny outside holy inside 😇 😈

Teach, Learn, Share

i can teach you to paint figures, and concepting an artwork, maybe we can paint together, and trade our painting as a memento

I can show you how to prepare delicious, simple some Asian delicacies with ingredients in your kitchen :)

What I Can Share with Hosts

my stories and warm discussion on philosophy, religion, history, art, anything. i will make a caricature of my hosts, and left it as a souvenir for them, so they will keep remember me.

Countries I’ve Visited

Armenia, Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Egypt, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Latvia, Lithuania, Malaysia, Monaco, Nepal, Netherlands, Palestine, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, San Marino, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Korea, Spain, Thailand, Turkey, Vatican City State, Viet Nam

Countries I’ve Lived In


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