Fotos de Jule

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  • 93 recomendaciones 85 Confirmadas y positivas
  • Idiomas que habla bien English, French, Spanish
  • 26, Hombre
  • Miembro desde 2016
  • Student
  • Architecture, meditation, travels
  • De Ventavon, Hautes-Alpes, France
  • Has completado un 100% de tu perfil

Sobre mí

Namaste, wonderful humans! 😊🙏❤️

I've finally returned to France with a heart full of stories and a mission to sprinkle a bit of that legendary traveler's hospitality I've received during my many years of globetrotting.

Ever since I embraced meditation (two hours daily, yet still no levitation skills), gave up alcohol, drugs, and bid adieu to social media, my journey on this magnificent planet has been amazing. Nothing is eternal but I really try to keep those positive habits in my daily life and during my wanderings.

So, if you're into heart-to-hearts, sharing laughs, and maybe a bit of soul-searching we could make this journey memorable together :)

Por qué estoy en Couchsurfing

I love traveling, I love meeting people, Couchsurfing gave me some of my most memorable memories !


A lot

but overall I can talk a lot about architecture, travels and meditation...

  • cats
  • arts
  • architecture
  • cooking
  • coffee
  • philosophy
  • travel
  • nature
  • freedom
  • tea
  • slackline
  • buddhism
  • wild camping
  • ski touring
  • vipassana meditation
  • non violent communication
  • spinoza

Música, películas y libros


Spinoza, Siddartha Guatama, Krishnamurti, Confucius, Montaigne, Khalil Gibran, Fernando Pesoa, Yuval Noah Harari, Paolo Coelho, Eckhart Tolle, Milan Kundera, François Jullien, Michel Tournier, Gandhi are among the authors and philosophers that gave me, trough the years, other perspectives on life

Among my favorite directors are Wes Anderson, Gaspar Noe, FF. Coppola, Chaplin, C. Nolan, Denis Villeneuve, Cohen brother's, Sam Mendes, Tarantino... We can share recommendations

I have eclectic tastes from classical music to rap, reggae, jazz, soul, rock, blues, funk, ambient, trance, oriental... Dooz Kawa, Vivaldi, Bob Marley, Groundation, Pink Flyod, Joe Pass, Buena Vista Social Club, Keny Arkana and so many more.... )

Even tough I don't play any instrument one of the things I love the most is listen live music and randomly shake my body in an attempt to dance

My vison of architecture is evolving and enriching along side with my studies. What I can say is that bringing sustainability and peace in the built environment is one of my main concerns. I'd like to dediacte my work for social and ecological justice. I'm not really interested in making architecture for pure aesthetic but rather try to enrich communities and host life in harmony with it's environment. I belive that architecture can really positively impact population and empower the most vulnerable ones. Natural, local and bio-sourced materials like earth, wood, bamboo, straw, stones are my favorite ingredients.

Algo increíble que he hecho

Ayawaska and Vipassana meditation retreats are the deepest and most life changing things I have experienced.

I've recently sat for 30 days in silence in the UK and wish to join more courses like that

Enseña, aprende, comparte

Help me to be less stupid 😉

Qué puedo ofrecer a los anfitriones

Anyone can give what he wants, what he can 🙂

Países que he visitado

Armenia, Austria, Belgium, Belize, Bulgaria, Canada, Colombia, Croatia, Cuba, Czech Republic, Ecuador, England, France, Georgia, Germany, Guatemala, India, Iran, Italy, Japan, Lebanon, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Mexico, Monaco, Morocco, Nepal, Netherlands, Pakistan, Poland, Qatar, Scotland, Spain, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, Tunisia, Turkey

Países en los que he vivido

France, Turkey

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