Fotos de Julia Barsukova

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  • 51 recomendaciones 50 Confirmadas y positivas
  • Idiomas que habla bien English, Estonian, German, Russian; está aprendiendo Italian, Latvian, Polish
  • 40, Mujer
  • Miembro desde 2012
  • youth work, German and Russian minorities in Estonia, pop...
  • german philologist, youth camp leader
  • De Tartu, Tartu, Estonia
  • Has completado un 100% de tu perfil

Sobre mí


i'm a smile spammer :)
mother of two: Nika and Luka


i'm always planning at least three journeys and i have a full bag with other ideas, too. i'm a self-taught artist, a pescatarian, i like creativity and improvisation, i don't like to be too serious and I'm not religious (in a common way). trying to go the way of inner smiling :)

to this moment my children are the best experience that happened (and is happening))) to me in my life. from journeys it was the trip to Baikal lake, kayaking on lake Pihlajavesi in Eastern Finland and a work journey to Iceland.


smile and move further!


dear guys, CS is for me not a chat, not a dating portal and not an analogue of Facebook. it has a certain purpose regarding travelling. please, don't bother me, if you feel lonely or if you just looking for a girl to chat.

Por qué estoy en Couchsurfing

I'm convinced that not all things in the world are measurable - we should do something just to change our world to a better place. or to put oneself into a challenge. or just for fun))


as you see, i have quite different interests - I'm curious person and I'm always eager to widen my circle of interests.

  • arts
  • theater
  • folklore
  • photography
  • vegetarian
  • traveling
  • classical music
  • folk music
  • hiking
  • kayaking
  • tourism
  • ecotourism
  • nature
  • ballet
  • improvisation
  • self-development
  • handicrafts
  • tai chi
  • esoterics
  • fantasy books
  • modern dance
  • colours
  • outdoor swimming
  • loesje

Música, películas y libros

classical music, ethno, jazz, Russian rock, music of the Middleage and Baroque.

Algo increíble que he hecho

- giving birth to a human being is definitely the most thrilling experience!
- watching stars in winter sky before sleeping on ice of a frozen lake in a tent... meteors are falling and the snow is sparkling around me
- feeling the warmth of wawe-smoothed granite under my feet, smelling pine thus and listening to the voice of lake
- sleeping in a snow shelter in foothills of the Polar Ural at -30° C and carrying 25 kg baggage in sledge tied to my waist
- jump with a wing from 1500m height
- swimming in Baltic Sea on 1st January (well, more bathing than swimming, but still... refreshing)))
- whale and dolphin watching in the Atlantic Ocean near Iceland

Qué puedo ofrecer a los anfitriones

cook together, paint a gouache painting with feet, go to the forests and swamps of Southern Estonia, play board games, play jew's harp (Maultrommel / варган), write creative texts, make a blueprint, do something weird and beautiful))

Países que he visitado

Austria, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Russian Federation, Scotland, Ukraine

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