Fotos de Kanhaiya Tiwari

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  • 0 recomendaciones
  • Idiomas que habla bien English, Hindi; está aprendiendo Bengali, Bangla, Oriya
  • 19, Hombre
  • Miembro desde 2023
  • Student
  • 11th pursuing
  • De Patna, Bihar, India
  • Has completado un 75% de tu perfil

Sobre mí

I am a remarkable individual, a true embodiment of goodness and peace. With a heart deeply connected to nature, I find solace and joy in the simplicity and beauty of the natural world. Despite coming from a humble background, I possess a burning desire to explore and venture into unknown territories. I refuse to succumb to the monotony of a mechanical existence, yearning instead for a life filled with experiences that awaken my spirit.

Like the frogs of a well, I refuse to be confined within the boundaries of a limited perspective. Instead, I strive to break free from societal norms and expectations, seeking a life that is unrestrained and authentic. My soul craves the freedom to wander, to immerse myself in different cultures, and to witness the wonders that this vast world has to offer.

With an insatiable thirst for adventure, I dream of traversing the globe, discovering hidden gems, and forging connections with people from diverse backgrounds. I see myself as a traveler and wanderer, carrying a sense of curiosity and open-mindedness wherever I go. I embrace the unfamiliar and the unknown, recognizing that it is through these experiences that I truly come alive.

My humble origins have instilled in me a deep appreciation for the simple pleasures in life. As I embark on my journey, I carry with me the values of kindness, compassion, and respect. I understand the significance of preserving the environment and protecting the delicate balance of nature that has brought me so much solace.

In my heart, I hold the desire to leave a lasting impact, to create something beautiful that will be remembered. I want to look back on my life without any regrets, knowing that I have pursued my passions and embraced the freedom to live life on my own terms.

My personality shines brightly as a beacon of light, inspiring others with my courage and determination. I serve as a reminder that life is meant to be lived to the fullest, embracing each moment with gratitude and an unwavering sense of wonder.

May my journey be filled with endless adventures, meaningful connections, and a profound sense of fulfillment. May I continue to spread positivity and leave a trail of beauty wherever my footsteps take me💖

Por qué estoy en Couchsurfing

I'm on Couchsurfing because it aligns perfectly with my desire to travel the world, make good friends, and have memorable experiences. Couchsurfing offers a unique opportunity to connect with locals in different countries, fostering genuine connections and cultural exchanges. By opening up my home to fellow travelers or staying with hosts in various destinations, I can immerse myself in the local culture, gain authentic insights, and create lasting friendships along the way.

Couchsurfing allows me to break free from the limitations of traditional tourist experiences and truly experience a place from the perspective of its residents. I believe that the best way to understand a culture is by living it, and Couchsurfing provides a platform for exactly that. It gives me the chance to step outside my comfort zone, embrace new environments, and build meaningful connections with people who share a passion for exploration and adventure.

Through Couchsurfing, I can engage in vibrant conversations, exchange stories, and learn from people with diverse backgrounds and perspectives. The community aspect of Couchsurfing creates a welcoming and supportive environment, where individuals come together to share their knowledge, experiences, and even show each other their favorite local spots. It's an incredible opportunity to build friendships that transcend borders and create a global network of like-minded individuals who appreciate the beauty of travel and cultural exchange.

I'm drawn to Couchsurfing because it embodies the spirit of adventure, connection, and the belief in the inherent goodness of people around the world. It allows me to embrace the unknown, discover hidden gems, and forge deep connections with fellow travelers and locals alike. By being a part of the Couchsurfing community, I am confident that my journey will be enriched with meaningful experiences, lifelong friendships, and a deeper understanding of the world we share.


"Hi there! I'm someone who has a deep passion for exploring the world and all its wonders. Traveling is my way of discovering new cultures, meeting fascinating people, and immersing myself in different environments. I find joy in socializing and connecting with others, as I believe that shared experiences create lifelong memories. One of my favorite ways to experience a culture is through its cuisine. I love trying new foods, savoring unique flavors, and expanding my culinary horizons. When I'm not out adventuring, you can often find me strumming on my guitar, letting the melodies and rhythms transport me to another world. And when I'm in a reflective mood, nothing compares to the pleasure of diving into a good book and getting lost in its pages. Traveling, socializing, eating new foods, playing guitar, and reading books are all essential parts of my life that bring me immense joy and fulfillment."

  • traveling
  • socializing
  • reading books
  • playing guitar
  • eating new foods

Música, películas y libros

While I may not have a particular inclination towards listening to songs, my passion for playing the guitar speaks volumes. Music becomes an extension of my soul as I strum the strings and create melodies that resonate with my emotions. The guitar becomes my faithful companion, allowing me to express myself in a language that transcends words.

When it comes to books, I have a diverse taste that reflects my intellectual curiosity. "Sapiens" by Yuval Noah Harari takes me on a captivating journey through the history of humankind, unraveling the complexities of our existence and providing thought-provoking insights into our shared past. Osho's "Love, Life, and Laughter" explores the profound aspects of love, invites introspection into the essence of life, and encourages finding joy and laughter amidst the chaos. In "The Rebel" by Osho, I delve into the exploration of individuality and rebellion against societal norms, encouraging a deeper understanding of freedom and self-expression.

In the realm of movies, I appreciate the captivating storytelling and visual spectacles offered by films. "The Martian" takes me on an exhilarating journey through space, as I witness the resilience and ingenuity of the human spirit in the face of adversity. The Avengers series captures my imagination with its epic battles, complex characters, and a tapestry of interconnected stories that keep me on the edge of my seat. Additionally, I enjoy Bollywood movies that offer a diverse range of emotions, cultural nuances, and captivating narratives that resonate with my appreciation for storytelling.

Ultimately, my love for the guitar, my choice of books, and my appreciation for movies reflect my multi-faceted nature. Through my guitar, I express myself creatively and emotionally. The books I choose to read expand my understanding of the world and encourage introspection, while the movies I enjoy transport me to different worlds and allow me to immerse myself in captivating stories. My diverse interests and passions enrich my life, adding depth and meaning to my journey of self-discovery and exploration😀

Algo increíble que he hecho

At the age of 13, I have accomplished impressive milestones by learning coding and am now pursuing my guitar lessons. It's inspiring to see my dedication to acquiring new skills and exploring different passions at such a young age. My recent solo trip to Odisha showcased my independence and adventurous spirit, allowing me to gain valuable experiences and broaden my perspective of life.

While I humorously claim not to be a highly talented or genius individual, it's important to remember that true growth and success come from continuous learning, perseverance, and embracing new experiences. My commitment to learning coding and guitar demonstrates my willingness to step out of my comfort zone and challenge myself intellectually and creatively.

Visiting Odisha alone at such a young age exposed me to diverse cultures, traditions, and landscapes. It opened my eyes to the beauty of exploration and enabled me to develop a deeper understanding and appreciation for the world around me. Such experiences at an early stage in life contribute significantly to my personal growth, self-confidence, and ability to adapt to new situations.

It's important to acknowledge that talent and genius are not the sole determinants of success. Hard work, dedication, and a curious mindset play a vital role in achieving one's goals. As I continue my journey of learning and exploration, I remember that each step I take, each skill I acquire, and each experience I gain contributes to my personal and intellectual development.

I will embrace my passions, continue to challenge myself, and maintain a positive and humble attitude. The combination of my coding skills, guitar lessons, and thirst for adventure will undoubtedly shape a bright future filled with exciting opportunities and remarkable achievements.

Enseña, aprende, comparte

At the age of 17, I possess a remarkable range of interests and experiences. As a learner in philosophy, I have delved into the depths of thought and contemplation, seeking to understand the fundamental questions of existence. This passion for knowledge and understanding gives me a unique perspective that I can share with others. My proficiency in socializing enables me to connect with people from diverse backgrounds, fostering meaningful conversations and creating a space for intellectual exchange.

My experiences of life at such a young age have undoubtedly shaped my worldview and provided me with valuable insights. These experiences, whether personal or acquired through travel and exploration, have given me a broader understanding of the human condition. I have encountered different cultures, languages, and ways of life, allowing me to appreciate the beauty and diversity of our world.

My dedication to learning languages such as Bengali and Oriya is commendable. It not only expands my own linguistic abilities but also opens up opportunities for cross-cultural communication and understanding. By embracing different languages, I become a bridge between cultures, enabling others to appreciate the richness of their own heritage while fostering mutual respect and appreciation.

In this context, I have the potential to teach, learn, and share in various ways. My knowledge of philosophy can be imparted to others through discussions, debates, or even writing. My experiences of life can be shared through storytelling, inspiring others to explore and embrace the world around them. I can offer language lessons to those interested in learning Bengali or Oriya, promoting cultural exchange and understanding.

Remember, at 17, I have just scratched the surface of what lies ahead. I will embrace my curiosity, continue learning, and remain open to new experiences. By nurturing my passions and sharing my wisdom, I will undoubtedly inspire others and make a positive impact in the world around me😀

Qué puedo ofrecer a los anfitriones

As a guest on Couchsurfing, it's essential for me to consider how I can contribute and show appreciation for my hosts' generosity. There are several ways I can offer my hosts a meaningful experience:

First and foremost, expressing sincere gratitude and showing respect for their hospitality is of utmost importance. I will make sure to thank my hosts genuinely and respect their space, belongings, and house rules.

Engaging in meaningful conversations is another way I can contribute. I will share my own experiences, stories, and perspectives, while also showing genuine interest in getting to know my hosts better. By actively listening and asking them about their lives, I can create a space for engaging and enriching conversations.

Cultural exchange is an exciting opportunity to offer my hosts a glimpse into my own background. Whether it's cooking a traditional dish from my country, teaching them a few phrases in my language, or sharing stories about my customs and traditions, I can contribute to a diverse and enriching experience.

Helping with household chores is a practical way to show my appreciation. I will offer to assist with tasks such as cleaning up after meals, washing dishes, or tidying up common areas. My willingness to contribute to the upkeep of the space will be greatly appreciated.

If I have a particular skill or talent, I can offer to share it with my hosts. For example, I could teach them a few chords on the guitar, provide assistance with computer troubleshooting, or even offer a language exchange if they are interested in learning a language I speak.

Bringing a small gift or token of appreciation is a thoughtful gesture. Whether it's something representative of my culture, a souvenir from my hometown, or a handwritten thank-you note, it can express my gratitude in a tangible way.

Before I leave, I will ensure that I leave the space clean and tidy. Cleaning up after myself, tidying up the areas I've used, and leaving the space in the same condition (or even better) than when I arrived demonstrates my respect and consideration.

By embodying these practices, I can create a positive and mutually beneficial experience for both myself and my hosts. Couchsurfing is all about building connections, fostering cultural exchange, and creating memorable experiences, and I am excited to contribute to that by offering my gratitude, engaging in meaningful conversations, sharing my culture and skills, and actively participating in the shared experience of hosting and being hosted.

Países en los que he vivido


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