Karol Tomis's Photo

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  • Last login about 9 hours ago

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  • 170 references 133 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in Russian
  • 57, Male
  • Member since 2015
  • Postman
  • Geology
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

Please, do write me JUST IN EMERGENCY when you are in the vicinity of Bratislava/Preßburg or within city limits and you still get no couch here. I have an experience people do order couch with me one-two-three weeks in advance and then do not turn up. Plus hitch-hikers often arrive to me just before/after I go to work at 5:15am.
And further to your frequently asked questions: I don't live in centre of the city (14 minutes by bus) - indeed B'lava is a very small town, so I don't understand questions like "How far is to the centre?" (btw what do You mean with city centre: Slavin memorial?, Eurovea shopping mall?, St Martin's Dome (the crowning church of our royals)?, the Castle?, and yes, I do use this CS-profile for communication only! I have no Faszabook or Whatsoup, neither Instag, Telegrampf, Tinder, Binder, Tiktatik etcetera! Plus I do prefer non-smokers.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

My only window to the world.


I do like very much the political jokes and lampoons ("Joke is the only weapon of powerless and defenceless" - Alberto Moravia) from our Czechoslovakian past in 20th Century, something like as follows:
Czechoslovakia, 1951. Gusta Fučíková, the chief-editor of a women magazine Květy české makes an interview with Martha Gotwaldová, the wife of the first communist president of CS, comrade Klement Gottwald. She puts a first question: - "Dear comrade First Lady, what is your daily routine?"
- " Well, on Monday, I wake up, put dressing-gown, make breakfast and clean a penis."
- "And on Tuesdays?" asks Gusta Fučíková after the first shock,
- " On Tuesdays, indeed, I do wake up, put sarong (present of chairman Mao), make breakfast and clean a penis."
Not believing what she hears, Gusta Fučíková wants tu put a cold blood face:
- "And what do you do Wednesdays?"
- "On Wednesday, I do wake up, take slippers, then dressing-gown, make breakfast and clean a penis.",
The same scenario goes for Thursday, Friday and Saturday (which was until Dubček's democratization-reforms in 1968 the working day in CS - note KT).
Then Gusta Fučíková asks in horror "Comrade First Lady, which penis do you clean? Of your husband, comrade President?"
- "Oh noooooooooooo!" - responds Martha Gottwaldová - "I do take bucket, water, soap and broom and I clean the dick, the enemies of my husband write on the wall of our villa in Prague!"

  • arts
  • youtube

Music, Movies, and Books

Pražský Výběr/Prague Selection (https://youtu.be/MmM4P6ax0LU?si=TEbUmmpdtPbMpJ7-), and folk, this is the utter most best version of Carmen: https://youtu.be/TdCkMi-_ILQ?si=eDKqRwOALX1Jf30q. The Last King of Scotland (as situation here is since the €Uromaidan´18 similar to one in 1970s Uganda).

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

Not vaccinated!

Teach, Learn, Share

Your choice...
I do not recommend the free tour of Bratislava, as it´s too ideologised by those young guides.
BTW, visiting just Bratislava/Pozsonyi you´ll miss the Slovakia proper: https://youtu.be/cG4aYsvgchA?si=r4aG1BRjiU-hUxy9
Please note: I am minimalist and I don´t want belong to this corporate world w/its false petty-bourgeois morale.

What I Can Share with Hosts

Ordinary apartment in Bratislava-East (see the pics) in the borough called Ružinov (Rosenheim).

Countries I’ve Visited

Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, France, Hungary, Israel, Lithuania, Malaysia, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russian Federation, Switzerland, Ukraine, Uzbekistan

Countries I’ve Lived In

Australia, Belarus, Germany, United Kingdom

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