keith kerbaugh's Photo

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  • 7 references 5 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English
  • 73, Male
  • Member since 2015
  • Retired
  • PhD (abd)
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

I am a retired businessman that specialized in starting new businesses for others. I retired because of failing kidneys in 2013. However, in 2014 I received a kidney transplant and all of the life changes that go with that.

I have been married for 45 years and we have two children and two grand children. We love to travel and have had many wonderful experiences. Every new community is a chance to explore and learn.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

My wife is also retired and We are interested in traveling and spend about 4 months a year on the road. I am interested in seeing some other places for a day or so at a time and meeting new people.

I am also very interested in geneology and want to travel to where my family lived and get to know the history and culture of each community.


My time is spent in home remodeling, yard work, volunteer work with my church and other organizations and personal fitness. I like bike riding, hiking, running events, triathlons, white water rafting and other active activities. I am also very involved in activities at my church.

I thoroughly enjoy vacation traveling and actively participating in activities. I am not one who likes to sit around on vacation. We also like to take what might be called a "Wine Vacation" which is visiting wineries.

I also enjoy researching family history. I like to keep busy and do not like to sit and do nothing.

We have always been a hub of activities for family and friends. If there is going to be a get together it usually occurs in our home.

  • culture
  • wine
  • fitness
  • running
  • traveling
  • volunteer work
  • cycling
  • hiking
  • sailing
  • history
  • volunteering

Music, Movies, and Books

I like Christian, light rock, country and 50"s music.

I like a lot of movies especially action and adventure. My favorite movies (based on the number of times I have watched them) must be Overboard, Do You Believe, the Rocky series and Fools Gold.

I like reading the Bible and Christian novels.

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

When I was 14 my parents sold everything we owned and bought a sailboat. We attempted to sail it from Florida to Australia but shipwrecked on the coast of Mexico.

That trip started a life time of adventures for me and my family. We enjoy trying new things and going new places.

Teach, Learn, Share

I enjoy being with people and hearing about their lives and learning about their communities and what makes life special to them.

I have never been anywhere that if I look hard enough I find wonderful things about each place and appreciate why people are living there and committing their lives and energy to it.

What I Can Share with Hosts

My life and my adventures. They are many and varied.

Countries I’ve Visited

Bulgaria, Canada, England, France, Germany, Greece, Israel, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Taiwan, United Arab Emirates

Countries I’ve Lived In

Germany, Mexico, United States

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