Fotos de Lyle William

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  • 85 recomendaciones 75 Confirmadas y positivas
  • Idiomas que habla bien English
  • 48, Hombre
  • Miembro desde 2008
  • Anthropologist/Photographer/Video Maker/App developer/Exp...
  • University at JCU Townsville
  • No se ha indicado la ciudad natal
  • Has completado un 100% de tu perfil

Sobre mí

Unfortunately the house I was renting has been sold so I'm sleeping in my van at a friend's place. If you have a tent you are welcome to camp with me, if not I have a couple of hammocks you can comfortably sleep in if you're after something different.

After travelling and living up and down the East Coast of Australia, I went to India for a year and stayed for three. I think I have spent 6 years there on and off by now. I have also visited Nepal a few times, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Italy, Japan, and had a couple of stopovers in Malaysia. After deciding to do something with my life, I enrolled myself in Environmental Studies, luckily one of the electives was Anthropology (which I'd never heard of) and I was soon hooked. I changed my major after one semester and emerged with a Bachelor of Social Science (Anthropology).
So, officially I am an Anthropologist. I don't work in the field of Anthropology, I was making videos for local businesses and the Sealink Magnetic Island ferry, and I am currently working on the Magnetic Island app for tourists.


I am very easy going and try to be kind and thoughtful.
Explore the possibilities, look at problems from a different angle, if something isn't working for you, change direction, open doors, seek change.
A life lived well is an easy life, not without challenges, if you're not confused, you're not learning 😎
A littlle bit of kindness goes a long way and everyone needs a little help at some time, I know from experience.
Don't be afraid to ask.
I'm here for you, ok.


Magnetic Island is in the tropics and it is often hot and humid during the summer months, December, January, February and March.

I'm a bit of a hippie in these months and if the waterfalls are flowing will usuallly swim naked without even thinking about it, rather than having to change in and out of wet clothes all day. There are 2 nude beaches on the island and all my friends swim naked, so it seems normal and natural to me.

So, if you've never been to a nude beach here is your chance to experience something new! It only takes a few minutes to feel comfortable in your own skin and hopefully the experience of liberation will help to cteate a positive body image from the experience. After all, it's not about showing off, it's about throwing off the shame and embarrassment we have been burdened with and feeling free 💖.

I'm not saying you have to swim naked of you want to stay here. I have friends who are shy and swim fully clothed, even when I strip off to swim with them.
I want everyone to feel relaxed and comfortable when they stay, my home is a safe zone for all guests. I am always discreet and not an exhibitionist, I would not like the possibility of offending or shocking anyone who visits and always tell people if I'm going to a nude beach so they can decide for themselves.

So, if the human body is offensive to you, please dont request during the summer months, and please stay in a hostel so we we can both be comfortable. Of course preference will be given to open minded adults during these summer months.


We are also a household that enjoy substances other than alcohol to relax. If drugs are offensive to your narrow moral understanding then don't ask to stay here.

REMEMBER, Only a closed mind is certain 😎

We enjoy life

Thanks for your understanding :-)

Por qué estoy en Couchsurfing

OK, I have done this for a while now and hosted hundreds of cs'ers. Although some people treat Couch Surfing as a "free backpackers" I have also met many warm and friendly people hosting here on the Island, and made many friends who I am still in contact with.
I enjoy showing people around this little island with the friendly rock wallabies, many many koalas, snorkeling the fringing reef just off shore, spotting turtles and all the life a coral reef has to offer. I hope everyone who visits has a memorable experience and leaves with a smile on their face.

I treat all CS'ers like "friends I haven't met before" :)


Travel, culture, philosophy, music, reading, movies, video, photography, etc.

Música, películas y libros

I like old music, 60's Beatles, Dylan, Doors, etc, and new music, Radiohead, Coldplay, Chemical Brothers, Panda Bear, whatever, and after several seasons in Goa trance and progressive techno are fine by me also, although I don't play it at home, but I like at parties :)

Algo increíble que he hecho

It's all amazing!!!
I love my life 😁

Qué puedo ofrecer a los anfitriones

A unique Island experience

Países que he visitado

Australia, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Nepal, Slovenia, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, Vatican City State

Países en los que he vivido

Australia, India

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