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  • 11 references 11 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, Spanish; learning German
  • 31, Female
  • Member since 2021
  • Viajando y aprendiendo idiomas
  • Diseñador industrial
  • From Santiago, Santiago Metropolitan, Chile
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

Algo sobre mi que me gustaria compartir es que hace poco tiempo emprendi la aventura de viajar por algunos lugares y conocer mas del mundo que solo mi pais, Chile.

Me considero alegre, entusiasta, curiosa por aprender y conocer cosas nuevas, apasionada por el baile y los idiomas. Fanatica de las cosas dulces y comidas.

Fomar lazos y relaciones con personas de otros paises y partes del mundo encuentro es un algo genial y unico que tengo muchas ganas de conocer.


Something about myself that I would like to share is that I recently undertook the adventure of traveling to some places and getting to know more of the world than just my country, Chile.

I consider myself cheerful, enthusiastic, curious to learn and know new things, passionate about dancing and languages. Fanatic of sweet things and food.

I find it a great and unique thing to build bonds and relationships with people from other countries and parts of the world that I am looking forward to meet.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

Creo que de esta forma es un poco de destino y azar saber a quien conoceras o quien podra ser un gran amigo/a con el tiempo. Poder viajar por distintos lugares, disfrutando de compania e historias diferentes es algo que encuentro apasionante.


I think in this way it is a bit of fate and chance to know who you will meet or who could be a great friend in time. Being able to travel to different places, enjoying different company and different stories is something that I find exciting.


Languages, food, rewarding conversations, getting to know the cities more than is commonly known.

  • dancing
  • meditation
  • languages
  • laughing
  • going out
  • conversation
  • everything

Music, Movies, and Books

Me gusta la musica en general, dependiendo del dia y actividades voy buscando el tipo de musica o canciones que vayan de acuerdo, por ejemplo desde musica clasica o relajaa hasta estilos musicales de baile.

Sobre peliculas me encantan las de comedia o romance, tambien las de ciencia ficcion y suspenso siempre junto con algo rico para comer y compartir.


I like music in general, depending on the day and activities I go looking for the type of music or songs that go according to it, for example from classical or relaxing music to dance music styles.

About movies I love comedy or romance, also science fiction and suspense movies always with something good to eat and share.

Teach, Learn, Share

Dentro de mis hobbies esta el baile, por lo que puedo ensenar y compartir mi gusto por el, ademas por supuesto mi lengua nativa espanol.
Sobre aprender, me gusta conocer y aprender cosas nuevas constantemente por lo que estoy expectante sobre con quien podre compartir.


My hobbies include dancing, so I can teach and share my love for it, and of course my native language is Spanish.
About learning, I like to know and learn new things constantly, so I am looking forward to share with who I can share with.

What I Can Share with Hosts

Puedo compartir mi buen sentido del humor, historias y compartir experiencias. Siempre la idea es pasar un momento agradable, hacer actividades juntos y asi conocer culturas y personas. Soy creativa y simpatica, me gusta conversar y reir.


I can share my good sense of humor, stories and share experiences. The idea is always to have a good time, do activities together and get to know cultures and people. I am creative and friendly, I like to talk and laugh.

Countries I’ve Visited

Argentina, Germany, Italy, Spain

Countries I’ve Lived In

Chile, Germany

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