Fotos de Jeremy Smith

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  • Última conexión hace más de 13 años

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  • 0 recomendaciones
  • Idiomas que habla bien English
  • 36, Hombre
  • Miembro desde 2010
  • Currently Accounts Management. Soon, the open road.
  • High School, internet, people, life...
  • De Jena, La
  • Has completado un 60% de tu perfil

Sobre mí


Experience as much of the world as possible, meet as many people as possible, and live life to the fullest!


There's a lot, but to sum it up I just want to have fun and enjoy life. I want to see the world without strings or bounds. Just to go wherever life takes me, learn and experience the world on a whim instead of plans. To LIVE!!! I like to laugh a lot, and have others around me do the same. Words need not be spoken between people to enjoy each others company... But words do happen to make people laugh more. I love being in a good positive mood, doesn't always happen but that is my goal. I've always wanted to travel, and decided to find jobs to travel for. I finally realized why I've never followed through with those jobs and just stayed here, it was on their time not mine. I want to visit and see the world on my time when I want, not when some boss tells me to. So this is what I'm doing, Vagabonding. I don't care where I end up or how I get there, as long as I'm experiencing. I do have destinations in mind that I will see one day, but that will come as it comes.


I'll die to win because I'm born to lose.
Heard this on a Breaking Benjamin song, Firefly.
You can take this religiously like I did at the time and say that we're "born" into "sin" and that we "win" when we "die" because of heaven.
Or like I currently take it, I'll do whatever it takes to live life because most people are destined to only dream.

Por qué estoy en Couchsurfing


I wish to learn from others and share my knowledge and experiences with them as well. Bring the people of this Earth closer together, at least a few couchsurfers!


None as of yet, but March is looking promising.


Video games
Books, especially information filled ones
Simplicity, newly acquired
and of course, women

  • birds
  • books
  • dining
  • flying
  • video games
  • traveling
  • outdoor activities

Música, películas y libros

Comedies for movies.
Anything with meaning for Music, but mainly upbeat. Music taste is as diverse as there are genres in that industry.
Books, mostly Fantasy. Books that will inform you on life and help guide you.

Algo increíble que he hecho

I've seen kids that have seen death in front of them, face life, and come out on top. Seen kids that lean on each other to survive and come out stronger then their parents. Life is just amazing, seeing a tree grow from a sapling, food being cooked in front of you, a beautiful self confident woman, a squirrel chasing another in the trees, birds flying, a fire blazing, everything these eyes see are amazing and many more are to come...

Enseña, aprende, comparte

I'm no master of anything, pretty much a jack of all trades. I'm full of just little facts about a lot. If I've ever had a problem with it, I've probably researched how to fix it. Good at teaching people and coaching. Good with people. Love to exchange knowledge and have heated discussions, not arguments, but be able to openly discuss things with another open minded individual and coming to a conclusion or not doesn't matter, we both gained knowledge and that will grow us.

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