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  • 10 references
  • Fluent in English, German; learning Chinese, French, Malay
  • 47, Male
  • Member since 2009
  • Hardware Engineer
  • Spent 16 years of my life in school or studying... still ...
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me


Having fun, travelling, meeting nice people... Enjoying life! :-)

ABOUT ME galaxies stars
4.600.000.000 years
30.000.000 species
6.700.000.000 humans
3000 languages
194 countries

Me. Here. Now. *biggrin*
What are the odds? Think about it!

If you ask me - life rocks! :-)


Life rocks!

Why I’m on Couchsurfing


I totally love the concept of CS! It's such a good way to bring different cultures closer together. How else can you meet open-minded people from all over the world in your home without even going outside ;-)
It's amazing people can use CS without being charged or being annoyed by ads.
That's why I gladly support CS as a verified member.

I met a lot of CSers in numerous cities and always had a good time!

Sometimes I'm pretty busy because of work, so I might not answer right away or cannot accept couch request. Thanks for your understanding!


I love to join CS gatherings and activities!

If I plan my traveling I will check in advance for meetups and other activities and arrange my schedule accordingly.
I met so many nice people from all over the world. My first CS meetup was also the most impressive one, because there were 65 CSers from all over the world... and this was not even a special gathering, just a regular meetup in Berlin!


I'm totally into design and photography! In the past I used to carry at least one big camera when traveling, but meanwhile I enjoy the fun of street photography just with my phone. The best camera is the one you always have with you, and normally that's your phone ;-)

Music, Movies, and Books

I guess most people feel that I'm listening to weird music... I like music with "funny little notes"! So my all-time favorite for many decades is the music of Frank Zappa. But I admit, I also have music from ABBA, so I can say that I listen to music from ABBA to Zappa haha

Book... Yeah, I read a lot. Living in an era of high-tech gadgets I feel so blessed I can carry dozens of e-books on my phone or Kindle, so I can read any time I feel like it.

I think the most memorable book I've ever read is The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy. I liked the BBC TV show, so I thought let's read that Science Fiction book for fun and relaxing... just to find out that it's the hardest-to-read english book I've ever encountered in my life! Also, the story in the book is so smart and cunning and sometimes super romantic. Wow...

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

Oh well, I experienced a lot of fantastic things in my life and especially while traveling...
I think the most awesome was the view from top of the World Trade Center in NYC... totally unbelievable that people are able to create such impressive buildings!
Also most delightful was driving a genuine NASCAR race car on Las Vegas Speedway!! For a few laps my name was Tom Cruise in Days of Thunders haha ;)

But I guess the most fantastic experience is to meet open minded people from all around the world, hang out with them and have a good time! :)
You guys rock! ^^

Teach, Learn, Share

Teach, learn, share... isn't that what human life is all about? I think we do it all day long, otherwise life doesn't make a lot of sense.
What can I teach you? Depends on your knowledge gap hehe :P
What can I learn from you? You will let me know when it's time...
What can we share? I'm very open minded.... so we can share EVERYTHING! ^^

Countries I’ve Visited

Australia, Austria, Belgium, China, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Monaco, Palau, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States

Countries I’ve Lived In

China, Germany

Old School Badges

  • 1 Vouch
  • Pioneer Badge

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