Marie-Hélène Fortier's Photo

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  • Last login 11 months ago

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  • 11 references 7 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in French; learning English, Spanish
  • 34, Female
  • Member since 2013
  • Militante, Organisatrice communautaire
  • Travail social/Social work
  • From Québec City, Quebec, Canada
  • Profile 95% complete

About Me

About me.....J'aime le plein air, surtout la randonnée pédestre, le camping, rire, voir mon réseau et comme tout le monde ici, rencontrer de nouvelles personnes. J'ai un tempérament assez posé, c'est donc pas avec moi que tu vas découvrir la night life du coin haha. J'aime jaser de politique ou de sociologie, je m'intéresse particulièrement aux enjeux féministes et de lutte à la pauvreté.

So, I'm an activist, really interested in poverty and femenism. I would enjoy to have a conversation about these topics around a coffee (actually I drink tea) or a beer. I would consider myself as a calm person, I prefer zen ambiance, probably a reason why I prefer going for a hike and camp than going to dance in a bar. It might sounds a bit boring, but I swear I am a funny and really friendly person ;) ;p

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

En voyage je suis clairement motivée par l'idée d'être accueilli par des gens de la place.
Chez moi, couchsurfing peut m'offrir un peu de ce que le voyage procure: les rencontres.

My reasons to use couchsurfing are similar as hitchhiking is: a cheap and really nice way to meet local people, learn, and be impressed (I hope everytime in the good way).


I'm a curious person, that explain how I love to talk and read. I really enjoy to go hiking and just feel the space around.
And as I said, I'm interested about social justice, ecology and everything about politicals stuff.

  • politics
  • hiking
  • camping
  • femenism
  • ecolo

Music, Movies, and Books

I love underground music...and really a lot la musique québécoise :)

Drama movies and political books.

But now I need to give novel a chance :)

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

J'ai disséqué une baleine (en vrai j'ai pas fait grand chose, mais j'étais là, puis je n'ai même pas été malade!)

Once, I went with a team of veterinaries and biologists for dismember a whale. (It was already dead, the whale was beached)

Teach, Learn, Share

I can speak about the wonderful maple syrup

What I Can Share with Hosts

My sens of humor, at least my horrible accent is funny.

Countries I’ve Visited

Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Canada, Croatia, Czech Republic, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Northern Ireland, Poland, Scotland, United States

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