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  • 171 references 145 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, Norwegian; learning Spanish
  • 43, Female
  • Member since 2009
  • No occupation listed
  • chef
  • From Bergen, Vestland, Norway
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me


I love couchsurfing, but I only host people who read my profil
So if you want to stay with me you have to include the csecret" codeword word. It's clown 🤡 (totally random) somewhere in your request,very important 😉
🌞I know all to well how time consuming finding a host can be though, so I'm not gonna demand you read all of it, but at least read this first bit and the home section
🌞Please don't send requests more than a month in advance, I will most likely decline it, sorry. Preferably one or 2 weeks notice
I have a job where I live at work 2 weeks a month and often travel when I'm not working. I'm away more than I'm home. I don't plan my trip far ahead, so last minute requests are definitely best for me.
🌞My hosting calendar is usually up to date, so if the dates are blocked it means I'm not available. Sending a message instead of a request won't help, sorry
🌞 My job is extremely busy, if I'm not travelling I need my free time to be me time, so have changed my settings from accepting guests to want to meet up. I will change it back to accepting when it quits down. When I feel like hosting I will look for guests in the public requests.
🌞 And one for the men. I'm sorry, but I do not host men who doesn't have references. I also find guys with only or mostly references from women very suspicious, so they will most likely be declined, nor do I stay with men who only host women. Unless they have a very good reason for it 🤷‍♀️

So in conclusion, if you ask more than a month in advance or doesn't include the "secret" word you will be declined
However, I'm not a consistent person. If I for some reason I really like your request or profile I might accept you anyway 😂

If you have managed to read so far without being put off I can promise I'm not so strickt in real life 😂

As I said, I love couchsurfing (it used to be better though) Been using in since 2009 and I've met so many amazing people, as a host, as a guest or just meeting up with people. It has really had a impact on my life and how I travel. Seeing a place from a local perspective is an important part of travelling for me, couchsurfing gives me that opportunity.
And when I'm not travelling I can invite the world home to me 🙂

My profile used to say I love travelling no matter if it was to a hot or cold place. That is not true anymore, I've developed a hature for winter 😂. I might still travel to cold places, but I'm definitely more of a summer girl
Not very Norwegian of me I know 😂I'm not outdoorsy or fit either. I'm happy to walk around a city all day, but I probably won't join you for a hike

Nor am particularly in to partying either. (I'm so boring😂) Love beer and pubs, but hate clubs, unless it's a rock club 😉. I have been known to go dancing all night when travelling in Latin America, but it's more likely I have a beer (or 8) and just hang out some place it's possible to talk

Since I can only host when I'm home from work I have a lot of free time. If my guests want I can show them around or join them in a pub. I'm very flexible and goes with the flow though. If my guests prefer to spend their day by themselves (like I do when travelling) I'm totally fine with that too of course. Just hope they want to hang out a bit in the evenings and are not only looking for a free place to stay
I also have a second job, but I decided when I want to work myself. I usually take one or two shifts a week when I'm home


those who can enjoy the small things in life have lots to be happy about

Why I’m on Couchsurfing


I both surf and host


I only have good experiences using couchsurfing, both wile hosting and surfing. Always met great people :). Never had any bad experience, just a few interesting ones. They make for good stories later 😉

I do feel some people just use CS for a free bed these days. Many of the request I get haven't even read my profile. But there is still a lot of amazing people to be found here to though, you just have to look a little harder than before to find them🤣🤫


Traveling, football,music,books, history, movies,beer, card/board games

Music, Movies, and Books

Movies: action, thriller sci fi, comedy, fantasy

Music: My tast in music is a bit random and not up to date. A little on the heavy side. My Spotify is one moment Manowar, then next Pink before some Avenged Sevenfold. And then suddenly Celine Dion

Books: I like all kind of book with a map in it, whether it's a map of an elaborate fantasy world of the real world.

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

I have a lot of amazing and random stories from "breaking" in to a Romanian cemetery, to the crazy scissor man on a greyhound bus, to being at the first Hobbit movie premier, to crossing the Belize - Mexico border sort of illegally or living and working on weather station in the Arctic for 6 months with only 9 people, and 11 polar bears

Teach, Learn, Share

I can teach you a my favorite card game gin and rumy, I'll be very happy if you wanna play that.
And I'm always in search for someone who knows the card game Canasta. A surfer though it to me, but I can't remember how to play it 😂

Yo hablo un poco Español y quiero practicar mas

I'm not very good with technology. I have a mess of TV/Internet connection wiers, maybe you can teach me how to get rid of all the wiers 😂

Share travel stories or maybe just random facts. Random facts is fun. Did you know that in Alaska you are not allowed to throw a moos out of a plane when it's in the air?

What I Can Share with Hosts

I usaualy prefer wandering around exploring on my own during the day,but like to spend time with my host during the evening,have a few beers (or wine) get to know them.
I cook for a living, don't really do that much when I'm travelling. Also Norwegian food is boring 😂 so I probably won't cook for my host. I love trying local food though, so will very happily try my host's specially or invite them out for dinner. Don't worry, I'm not picky or critical, so you don't have to be scared of cooking for me😂

Countries I’ve Visited

Albania, Andorra, Australia, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Belize, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brunei Darussalam, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Canada, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cuba, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Honduras, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Kosovo, Laos, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Moldova, Monaco, Mongolia, Montenegro, Myanmar, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Northern Ireland, Palestine, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russian Federation, San Marino, Scotland, Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Timor-Leste (East Timor), Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Vatican City State, Viet Nam, Wales

Countries I’ve Lived In

Norway, Svalbard and Jan Mayen

Old School Badges

  • 1 Vouch
  • Pioneer Badge

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