James O'Connor's Photo

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  • 2 references 2 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English
  • 66, Male
  • Member since 2021
  • No occupation listed
  • No education listed
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

I am a 63 year old empty nester who has come to terms with the fact that there is more time behind me than in front of me so I will be trying to fill the remaining time with fun and adventure. I am a medical survivor who, due to a MAJOR breakthrough medication last year can actually plan travel again. No morbidity here, just fun and happiness.
I enjoy almost everyone I meet. I have driven over 1 million miles around the United States and Canada. Raised a family, written a book on soul travel, raised a young man to be an absolutely wonderful young man who loves his father.
I have no problem telling people that I am a blessed man in hopes of uplifting them to live their best life. It is never to late to become that which one's soul desires. Purpose is key. What is yours? Can we find out together?

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

I have led a amazingly blessed life in spite of the recent medical difficulties and have no plans on stopping any time soon. For example, in a few short months I will be walking the Camino Santiago, starting in Portugal. AND I am only buying a one way ticket!!! WOOHOO! From there I will be investigating the homeland of my Clan in Ireland. We thought it to be a certain county and only recently found it to be a few a few miles to the North. MISSED IT BY THAT MUCH!!!
I have always enjoyed meeting new people along the way in my journey, especially those searching for the highest truth. THEIR highest truth.


  • writing
  • architecture
  • cooking
  • taking in new scenery and friends

Music, Movies, and Books

I like most music other than rap only because i just don't get it. Sort of like my folks who were in to Tommy Dorsey and Les Brown when I was listening to The Clash, Stones and Bowie. Is anyone NOT a Bowie fan?
I read Harlan Cobin and James "what's name"
The Sand Lot, "You're Killen Me Smalls" is, other than Dances with Wolves, the best movie ever made.

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

Healed my son of his chronic ear infections two days before the medical community wanted to put tubes in his ears when he was 4 years old!

Teach, Learn, Share

I was a addiction/behavioral therapist for ten years and it has helped me help others in more ways than I can tell you. There is more than enough bullshit information out there and people like to hear the truth about any number of thing. The insight I gained from that education allows me to help other when asked. Asking means someone wants to know. Telling someone anything unsolicited is only that person's ego speaking out and serves very few if any who might be listening.

What I Can Share with Hosts

Cooking skill, good sense of humor and my love of all things human.

Countries I’ve Visited

Canada, Costa Rica, Honduras, Mexico

Countries I’ve Lived In

United States

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