Fotos de AlbertWK

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Visão geral

  • 9 referências 7 Confirmado e Positivo
  • Fluente em: Chinese, English, Spanish; aprendendo: French
  • 29, Masculino
  • Membro desde 2015
  • Transportation
  • Univ. of SC
  • De Los Angeles, CA, USA
  • Perfil 100% concluído

Sobre Mim

I'm born and raised in Los Angeles. I enjoy exploring as much as I do working. I'm a pretty chill dude in my 20s who loves meeting people from different backgrounds - whether from another state or another country. Most of my traveling is done in the US and Latin America.

Por que estou no Couchsurfing?

Looking to make connections and know great people from various cities across the world.


I'm a big airline nerd, and I do enjoy spending time on a plane or at an airport - unlike most of you! Otherwise, I'm a city boy who enjoys eating healthy, working out, tasting local brews, and hiking the mountains of America.

  • fitness
  • hiking
  • sightseeing
  • beaches
  • trains
  • airports
  • los angeles
  • airlines

O Que Posso Compartilhar com Anfitriões

I know some of the coolest, cheapest, and best hidden spots for eating, working out, and hiking in LA and SoCal.

Países que Visitei

China, Hong Kong, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Panama, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan

Países em que Morei

Mexico, Taiwan, United States

Registre-se no Couchsurfing para ver o perfil completo de AlbertWK.