oussama belkabir's Photo

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  • 87 references 66 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in Arabic, Arabic (Morocco), English, French; learning Spanish
  • 33, Male
  • Member since 2017
  • graphic design
  • graphic design
  • From Marrakesh, Marrakesh-Safi, Morocco
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

🛩:🇫🇷🇸🇦🇹🇳🇲🇨🇮🇹🇹🇷🇪🇸🇬🇲🇧🇪🇦🇹🇭🇺🇨🇿🇹🇭🇵🇹🇲🇾🇮🇩🇳🇱 🇨🇴 🇪🇨

"Join me on a wild journey where we'll discover the hilariously toasted side of life, one quirky encounter at a time! 🌟😄"

About me: I like to think of myself as a chilled-out kind of person who gets a kick out of meeting new folks. 🌟😊 To me, traveling is all about making those meaningful connections with the locals wherever I go. 🌍🤝 Sure, I can appreciate the scenic views and tourist attractions, but let's be real, it's the hilarious encounters and friendships along the way that really make the trip unforgettable! 💖👥 No matter how jaw-droppingly gorgeous a place might be, it's the quirky authenticity and friendliness of its inhabitants that truly steal the show and determine whether I'll be raving about it afterward. 🌞👫 ========================================

My philosophy:

Picture this: we’re all like ingredients in a cosmic baking recipe, tossed into the same mixing bowl of life. 🌾 But here’s the kicker – while we start off as the same bland flour, it’s our crazy life adventures that turn us into beautifully toasted individuals! 🔥 Some of us end up lightly toasted, like a perfect piece of toast, while others might come out a little burnt around the edges, like that time you forgot about your bagel in the toaster. 🥯

Now, let’s talk about our quirks. We’ve got more variety than a buffet on a cruise ship! From our outward appearances to our innermost thoughts, from our fashion choices to our weirdest dietary preferences (who puts pineapple on pizza anyway?), and from our wildest lifestyle habits to our most embarrassing dance moves – we’re all as unique as a unicorn in a herd of donkeys! 🦄🍍

But wait, there’s more! Despite all these differences, deep down in our squishy, gooey centers, we’re all cut from the same cloth. 💫 It’s like discovering that under all those layers of frosting, we’re all just one big delicious cake of humanity! 🎂

So, when I’m out there globetrotting, what am I really searching for? It’s not just the Instagram-worthy views or the exotic cuisine (although those are pretty sweet too). Nah, what I’m really after is that magical moment when I realize that despite our wildly diverse backgrounds and beliefs, we’re all just trying to navigate this crazy rollercoaster called life. 🎢 And guess what? It’s that shared journey that brings us together, forming bonds stronger than super glue on a hot summer day! ✨🤝

So, whether you’re from the bustling streets of New York City or the serene beaches of Bali, whether you pray to the pizza gods or swear by the sacred power of tacos, remember this: underneath it all, we’re all just human beans trying to find our place in this wacky world. 🌍❤️
======================================== Instagram:




Why I’m on Couchsurfing

Ah, travel, it's my cup of tea! 🌟🌍 There's nothing quite like jetting around the globe and meeting new folks at every stop. 🛫💼 Instead of chatting with impersonal hotel staff, I thrive on connecting with the locals. 👫🏽🏨 And let me tell you, hosting travelers from all over the world to swap ideas? It's like throwing a global summit right in the cozy comfort of my living room! 🌍🏠✨


  • culture
  • health clubs
  • clubbing
  • house parties
  • news
  • parks
  • nature
  • cultures
  • people
  • lifestyle
  • cities
  • meeting new people
  • clubs
  • roadtrip
  • monuments
  • citytrips
  • partys
  • free party
  • taveling
  • night clubs

Music, Movies, and Books

afro beat, house, jazz,pop, rap

Teach, Learn, Share

It's always fascinating to learn about the diverse range of experiences that each person brings to the table. Hearing about the unique paths people have traveled, the challenges they've overcome, and the lessons they've learned along the way can be incredibly enriching and inspiring. It fosters a sense of empathy, understanding, and connection among individuals. Plus, it opens up opportunities for meaningful conversations and the exchange of ideas. So, let's continue sharing our stories and embracing the diversity of experiences within our community! 🌟🌍🗣️

Countries I’ve Visited

Austria, Belgium, Colombia, Czech Republic, Ecuador, France, Gambia, Hungary, Indonesia, Italy, Malaysia, Monaco, Netherlands, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey

Countries I’ve Lived In

France, Morocco

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